Mundane News

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Define SCD.

A disease that infects large numbers of people every week. Infections peak on a Saturday evening, with a resurgence on Sunday.
There are other minor outbreaks during the week.
It blights households and can cause lasting damage to previously health relationships.

Not in our house we’ve never watched a single episode since series one.
It's been a warm and largely overcast day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well, and then spent the morning puttering about in the community orchard picking Cockett's Red apples. I had thought to leave it till Tuesday, but so much fruit is just simply falling off the trees as soon as you touch it, think it was a wise decision to go today instead. Picked four trays' worth. I should now have enough apples laid by to last me till Easter.

Cockett's Red (aka One Bite or Henrietta Maria) is a late-season keeping dessert apple, albeit not a sweet one, but the flavour will mellow during storage. Having said that, I ate three of them whilst picking, and yeah, they're sharp, but there's a lovely flavour under all that sharpness, and they're crisp and juicy to boot. Makes you realise just how sweet and insipid the commercial varieties can be.

I wish the community orchard had an honesty box or something similar, as I'd love to contribute something for the fruit I've picked. OTOH, what I take and use is fruit that doesn't end up rotting on the ground.

A late luncheon of toast, pate, fruit and :cuppa: was partaken of, and then I've spent the time watching men in tight shorts playing with funny-shaped balls, kept an eye on the footy results and listened to the F1 sprint race from Losail.

Sausage rolls and a tomato salad for supper.


Postman and family just back from a fabulous evening here in Edinburgh.The rain all day did not stop our fun.Evening meal then Sister Act a wonderful show.Plus my daughter bought me a small bottle of Balvenie Double Wood malt.This will be opened when i have beaten this cancer.Diagnosis is Tuesday and chemo starys Thursday.Thats all folks night night.Train tomorrow seems we have to get off in Carlisle and board another.I hope there are no problems i like to get home fast when breaks away are over.
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