Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I now have squeakless floorboards 🛠 👌


1.7 mile walk to deal with a couple of work matters en route which was actually longer than the normal day in the office escape to Asda. 4 way temporary traffic lights at the main road junction at the foot of the cycle race climb up Parliament Street the wrong way to the finish line. Completely gridlocked roads not helped by the pedestrian crossings being their own 4way extensions to the 4 way so walked across the one way street on a red to pedestrians while cars moved parallel. Buses consequently using roads that haven't seen a bus for yonks to avoid.
Sunny, breezy and quite mild here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well, but am rather tired after the last couple of days' exertions. And my shoulders and hips are certainly feeling it. I've had a quiet morning doing some paperwork and messing around with a Mr & Mrs Potatohead set that I found in one of the boxes in the garage yesterday. I really do love these kinds of toys. :blush:

I will go and putter in the garage for a bit this afternoon, although I'll look for things to move / tidy up that aren't too taxing.

Anyways, it's time for luncheon.


Leg End Member


Leg End Member
I was feeling nauseous at work, either due to a rough night or too many solvents, or possibly a combination of the two, so I came home a couple of hours early to the frank concern of my boss as I don't generally do this sort of thing.

Now I've had an hours sleep I feel a bit better and I think I'll be fine by tomorrow.

The pink elephant on top of the wardrobe agrees.
Tell the pink elephant to keep quiet or pack it's trunk.

You'll be reight by the morn...


I was feeling nauseous at work, either due to a rough night or too many solvents, or possibly a combination of the two, so I came home a couple of hours early to the frank concern of my boss as I don't generally do this sort of thing.

Now I've had an hours sleep I feel a bit better and I think I'll be fine by tomorrow.

The pink elephant on top of the wardrobe agrees.

'war kein rosa Elefant, mischien ein Kater? 🥳
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