Mundane News

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Postman is having lunch at Betty's Harlow Carr Harrogate on Monday afternoon.Oh so posh.Then Tuesday and Thursday all kicks off hospital wise.Got to say i am nervous,I never know whether you start inside or outside with the cutlery at Betty's.

You use your cutlery from the outside inwards. Except for the dessert course, whose cutlery is at the top of the place setting.
tuna pasta sauce
:blink: that can't be right
not to rush you, but still sticking w/ just the 1? we are still on pause. our Son & his girlfriend, however, are closing in on a new kitten, we think. Wifey, who still has online access to his account, saw that he spent $150 at a pet store & they don't even have a pet yet! what on Earth are they buying for $150, for might be a very tiny animal? that's a lot of cat chow & litter!

No, I'm still looking for another cat. The people with the Oriental have messed me around, so that's a no go. But I'll be at the Supreme (cat version of Crufts) in just over a fortnight, so I can ask around if anyone else has a shorthaired tortoiseshell ex-breeding queen looking for a retirement home.

Push come to shove, I could always get a non-pedigree kitten, as the branch of CP I used to volunteer for has lots of kittens in right now. But really, I'd prefer an older cat as opposed to a kitten.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Got to say i am nervous,I never know whether you start inside or outside with the cutlery at Betty's.
It depends how many people you're fighting.
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