Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Morning - early start, day in the office and the forecast is not good so use of car and need to find a parking place.

Stacks of room on our driveway

Another wet start to the day. :rain:

I've earned €0.48 on my savings account. I wonder what I can spend it on🤔

Well I can just about remember being able to fill up the tank on my moped for that much


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I am almost up.
I'm going to shift my bikes round so that I can get a bike for tomorrow's ride . I think I might pick my Viscount Apollo Tourer. It has a bottle mount and I might need to carry a drink.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
The garage is already looking a lot better. I've made space at the front for the trailer, and I've moved stuff around so that I can actually get to it. Unsurprisingly, the tyres were very flat, which made it impossible to lock on the doodad from the track pump onto the valves because they kept disappearing into the wheel.

Cue the scissor jack I found in a pile of stuff. Jacked up the trailer, so that I could get my hand into the wheel and press the valve out through the rim from behind. Tyres successfully pumped up now, and bar emptying the stuff that got randomly dumped into the trailer, that's good to go.

I've enough stuff for a tip run, I think. That includes some camping gear (mattress and bedding) that the mice have chewed up - I used to use it back in the day when I was covering 24 hour races to grab a bit of kip on the back seat of the car), some broken electricals, a box full of very knackered bubble wrap, a holey bucket and some broken flower pots.

Will carry on with this tomorrow if I'm not feeling too tired.

Anyways, now sat down with a :cuppa: and some Lindor.

Lindor is nice when you keep it in the fridge.
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