Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Presently watching grandson playing rugby. At 9, it's his first Contact rugby season.. 🥊 🏉
I was feeling nauseous at work, either due to a rough night or too many solvents, or possibly a combination of the two, so I came home a couple of hours early to the frank concern of my boss as I don't generally do this sort of thing.

Now I've had an hours sleep I feel a bit better and I think I'll be fine by tomorrow.

The pink elephant on top of the wardrobe agrees.

Still hallucinating then ? :whistle:


Got home from work to find the chicken and ham bake still frozen solid in the fridge. So a long bake in the oven needed of sufficient time to walk to Aldi. Oranges still not at the offer price and I then misread the leaflet and thought I had it wrong. Not as it turns out so next time...
Little bit of rain going but ended up with a soaking on the return.
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'war kein rosa Elefant, mischien ein Kater? 🥳

That would require Alcohol, and as you can see I'm doin' just fine as I am...

If you'll excuse me, the pink fluffy clouds are calling...


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
That would require Alcohol, and as you can see I'm doin' just fine as I am...

If you'll excuse me, the pink fluffy clouds are calling...

Go on, you know you want to....
Time to feed the cat, and then it will be time to feed me.

not to rush you, but still sticking w/ just the 1? we are still on pause. our Son & his girlfriend, however, are closing in on a new kitten, we think. Wifey, who still has online access to his account, saw that he spent $150 at a pet store & they don't even have a pet yet! what on Earth are they buying for $150, for might be a very tiny animal? that's a lot of cat chow & litter!
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