Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Mines just been emptied

Our Black Bin is usually emptied quite early. However, the Garden & ♻ Bin's (next Wednesday's collection) is not until the afternoon!
I asked my friend who used to be a postman and he said what I thought that my parcel should have been on the van I saw this morning.

I said that the old system where you went to the sorting office the next day to collect your parcel if you missed it was much better. Delivering it twice surely can't be cost effective and also likely to lose things ! They seem to have lost my lens filter already! :angry: :angry:
maybe it fell between the delivery van's seat cushions

maybe next time we should order something bulky with our small items, like maybe a bag of popcorn? something big but cheap. but we'd have to be sure the orders were combined for delivery in fewer PKGs together


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
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