Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
The friend I go walking with and to cat shows with has the same issue as you. She gets one in the arm she can use for such, and the other in her thigh.

No one mentionned that as a possibility. There was a screen for privacy, so that was an option.

I will make a note in my diary for this time next year. Today someone, a retired nurse, that she would not have the two together.
I'm having a right time with my parcel and Royal Mail. Yesterday we arrived home from town to find a note had been put through our letterbox. It had the time of delivery and a box ticked stating that it would automatically be delivered today. At about 11 today I saw a Royal Mail van in our road so I assumed that I would soon be getting my parcel . No! By 4 o'clock this afternoon I thought I would pop along to the sorting office to find out what was going on. There was quite a long queue of people with similar cards as me . The chap on the desk looked up my card and said that it was out for delivery and that they work to 6. I went back home and waited ! And waited !! Gone 6 and no sign of Royal Mail!
So tomorrow another trip to the sorting office . I hope it hasn't gone to Swindon like one of my parcels did a couple of years ago !
I'm having a right time with my parcel

amazon said they delivered something (small) but I never received it
amazon said they would send another, which I DID receive
2 days later, the 1st item was on our kitchen table, not in a shipping envelope
Wifey has no idea where it came from
& I certainly don't
wrote to Amazon asking them to charge me twice because I kept both but NO REPLY
I asked my friend who used to be a postman and he said what I thought that my parcel should have been on the van I saw this morning.

I said that the old system where you went to the sorting office the next day to collect your parcel if you missed it was much better. Delivering it twice surely can't be cost effective and also likely to lose things ! They seem to have lost my lens filter already! :angry: :angry:


The town centre M&S foodhall seems to do a reshuffle almost every quarter if not more frequent. As it's offerings have become that woeful I use a newly expanded Simply Food which hopefully will not shuffled about for some time.

When our local Supermarket has a switch around and somethings no longer in its usual place, I find the nearest Assistant / Partner / Colleague and politely ask " Excuse me, where have you hidden the ( name of product ) this time? Quite often they will lead me there.


Leg End Member
Second and third hot drinks went down well as did the lunchtime stroll
Was the lunchtime stroll washed down with the third hot drink.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Son no. 1 collected and dropped off at his 4-hour interview near Cirencester whilst I went to a bike shop/café nearby (Carle's Coffee), had a snooze and very short ride.

He's been dropped back to Lincoln following a lovely dinner (The Kings Head in Wellesbourne) but my body's given up and I'm snoozing at Blyth near Doncaster before the last leg to West Yorkshire. Or I will be in two minutes.


Legendary Member
Another one of those days at work - not stupidly busy but on the go all day. Officially NOT doing what I'm not supposed to do until I've been on the training course next week, but what management don't know, they can't b0llock me for and it gets the work done.

Someone asked me if I'd worked out how many days at work I've got left until I retire. I hadn't but I sat down and worked it out - taking into account using all my leave up and public holidays I've only got 50 days to do and 3 of them are training days :wahhey:


Legendary Member
A busy day, a lot of driving all over Connemara with some hiking and beach walks thrown in. Also spent time browsing in two second-hand bookshop and managed to resist buying anything!

Very windy earlier and now very wet.

Back to work tomorrow morning where the work I would have done if I hadn't booked a few days off will be still waiting for me with some more added on top.:cry:
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