Mundane News

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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
That's a lot of driving in one day.
Picking any bikes up en route?

Nope. Son no. 1 has a job selection day.

But I've brought a bike with me :okay:


6 and a half miles walked to and from the hospital re level of red blood cells and another blood test, aspirin a day prescribed and duly collected from the pharmacy. Done quickly as I was paying although at the reduced prescribed rate.

Was told to have an X-ray but on strike to non urgent cases so have to go back on Thursday.
Morning rain had stopped when I set off but drizzle appeared as I got to the hospital. Return was initially dry but around half distance rain set in. Looks to be an April day in October

Now to take the car to Sainsbury's - heavy load that would otherwise strain the panniers as milk and floor cleaning liquid on personal cheap Nectar prices
Now that the rain has thankfully moved through, it's a bright albeit blustery day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well again, and have spent the morning prepping a load of tomatoes to make chutney. I hadn't intended on making tomato chutney, but the large quantity of overripe fruits means Something Must Be Done. At least this now turns what's left of the tomato backlog into manageable proportions.

Not making Kashmiri chutney this time, but a tomato and apple chutney that had me crowned the chutney champion several times in the local produce show. :becool:

I have near enough completed the 1990 section of my photograph database. I have one more image from a Camel Trophy promotional shoot to add that was wrongly filed by me when I originally got it, and I need to work out why I have 68 photos in the database but 69 thumbnails in the directory. Shall tackle that this afternoon while the chutney is cooking away.

Anyways, it's just about time for luncheon.
Oh dear! I am feeling much worse. :sad:

The only consolation is that feeling like this is very mild in comparison to having Covid or flu.
It does not help, I suppose, that I had to have both jabs in the same arm. Very Important Things have been postponed.

The friend I go walking with and to cat shows with has the same issue as you. She gets one in the arm she can use for such, and the other in her thigh.


Aargh, Sainsbury's. Walked up and down the aisles looking for the floor cleaning liquid. Transpired they had moved all that stuff to very end of store where it continues off the frozen food and I have absolutely no idea what was there before. Bought an alleged Christmas food: Sticky toffee pudding tarts:hungry:


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
@Mike_P - my local Co-Op has had a re-jig round. I'm convinced whoever did the planogram was playing with "My First Shop" software as it's absolutely nonsensical.

Chilled desserts are with cheese, but yoghurts are with fruit juice. Pet food is by the beer but the wine is next to the biscuits two aisles away. Cards are by the packets sauce but stationary is elsewhere with household stuff.


@Mike_P - my local Co-Op has had a re-jig round. I'm convinced whoever did the planogram was playing with "My First Shop" software as it's absolutely nonsensical.

Chilled desserts are with cheese, but yoghurts are with fruit juice. Pet food is by the beer but the wine is next to the biscuits two aisles away. Cards are by the packets sauce but stationary is elsewhere with household stuff.

The town centre M&S foodhall seems to do a reshuffle almost every quarter if not more frequent. As it's offerings have become that woeful I use a newly expanded Simply Food which hopefully will not shuffled about for some time.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Nice ride this morning

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