Mundane News

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A warm but breezy and mostly grey day here chez Casa Reynard.

I did not sleep well. Between the parental upchucking and some weird random peanut calling my mobile at 5am, what sleep I did get was pretty crap. I have spent the morning listening to the radio (Ryder Cup) and working on my archive.

I plan on having a quiet day, and I am most definitely not doing any cooking. Am just so ridiculously tired.

Almost time for luncheon.
No1 daughter cut short her camping, with an early morning walk up Chrome Hill, short due to the rubbish weather in Derbyshire, today.
At least she got a couple of decent walks in on Friday and Saturday before heading home last night.

My bestie was competing on the Edinburgh Trial in his X90 yesterday - held largely in the black country and peak district. He said that by lunchtime, the weather had turned foul and that the event had descended into chaos as a result. I'll decant him later on what actually happened, but he didn't get home till nearly half eleven last night...


Vice Admiral
I had my Covid booster and Flu Jab yesterday, and feel very unwell today. I have a nasty headache, achey limbs and nausea.

The Patient is also feeling worse. :sad: The tablets he takes for the Prolactinoma are causing headaches (a known side effect). The hospital insisted that he try taking Paracetamol to see if that reduced the headaches, and he now has worse headaches.

The next week is fairly busy with appointments and Very Important Things. So the following week, I am avoiding all commitments.

Cups of tea, home made or bought cakes or biscuits, and virtual hugs are all very welcome.
How about date taken, along with a seperate picture size and location.

If you have it covered in one, you simply look for any more in that file at the same place/time/size. Initially it sounds a lot to do, but if on computer you'll end up copying and pasting a lot as you assemble each one. Leaving you to refer to the relevant file.

I've settled on tables in a word document (one for each year / segment nominally), with the photos listed chronologically like they are in my archive proper, rather than by file name as they are on my laptop. When I say chronologically, that'll be the date the image was originally taken, not the date on which I acquired it.

The tables also contain all the other info like venue, event, photographer, whether there are other versions of the same image, where it's been published and when, where I got it from, who else is in the picture etc. In a weird way, it's almost like the Exif data embedded in a digital photograph.

As you say, it's time-consuming and painstaking work (including generating the image thumbnails), but my fault really for putting it off for so long.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
My bestie was competing on the Edinburgh Trial in his X90 yesterday - held largely in the black country and peak district. He said that by lunchtime, the weather had turned foul and that the event had descended into chaos as a result. I'll decant him later on what actually happened, but he didn't get home till nearly half eleven last night...

Daughter was camping near the Monsal Trail Friday night, cold but dry. Walked the Edale Skyline, aiming for 20 miles, with some people and cut off at about 11 miles by Grindslow Clough, back to her car in Edale on 13 miles, piddling down, but in waterproofs still dryish inside them.
Decamped in pouring rain & headed home through the semi-flooded lanes.
Her tent is now drying out draped over the trampoline in her garden 😂

Fortunately, she's sensible enough to know when to bale out & not bother with heroics!


Leg End Member
That would have been heavy, and hard to explain at customs.
Harder than explaining the half dozen jars of Marmite in your case?


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Got up for a pee in the early hours of the morning and found I'd lost my sense of balance, so had to lurch from grabbing point to grabbing point. A lot better this morning but still not fully recovered. I suspect a side effect of yesterday's flu jab.

I know that one, jab or no jab. It's the art of being awake enough to know you're not yet awake.
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