Mundane News

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Ooh! The sun has broken through! There is quite a bit of grey cloud with some gaps with blue sky.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a grey, overcast & breezy Suffolk. The first cuppa of the day has long been finished, but doesn't seem to be having the required effect after a poor night's sleep. I need to make a couple of cycle reservations for the mainline train tomorrow and the car may get washed and polished later if I can build up the enthusiasm.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Driech sort of a day.
Windy and I can see showers moving along the Morvern coastline.
Did not sleep too well and my spine was painful getting out of bed. Seems to have abated with paracetamol.
The mattress seems ok but could benefit from turning round perhaps tho' the physical effort is a bit beyond me.
Yesterday was not a good day and today looks to be similar. This happens from time to time particularly after exercise and moving a heavy washing machine around last week did not help.
Coffee time.


Brief sunny spells to otherwise overcast conditions and damp ground outdoors. Rain radar looks like rain about but not directly affecting.

The seller of the two SD cards has given a partial refund so that's two 64GBs which work in the 1080p max GoPro for £6.98. Maybe need to using that for urban rides.

The 4k cameras makers say their is no firmware update available. The issue seems to be weirdly the cards that work on it are those with a max 10Mb/sec speed whereas the two new ones are a max 30Mb/sec speed.


Expensive morning - laptop screen hinges now well broken. Apparently it's a common fault of Lenovo ones so ordered a HP equivalent with, as it had £100 off, a 3 year service provision which of course will not be needed.
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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
When I went out to the library this morning I realised it was a bit damp so no triking today.
The Fire Brigade are having a charity car wash so long as nobody sets fire to themselves. Not going to bother this time as they stripped some of the plastic trim along the bottom of the rear side windows last visit. Too much power in the hose I think.
They have a vast area to cover with the two machines they have here plus auxiliary units elsewhere. I once met them going full blast to a reported hotel fire 55 miles down the road. Single track mostly so in touroid season can be a problem as some refuse to pull over promptly to let them past.
You would imagine that blue lights and sirens would help but I know of one case where a baby was born by the roadside in an ambulance which had been blocked for miles despite blues and twos.
Had a snooze this afternoon to try to recover and then a version of Cullen Skink for tea. It should really be smoked fish but could not be bothered getting the smoker set up outside for one meal for myself.
A very simple dish with the fish, potatoes, and onion poached in milk with a touch of mixed herbs. I cheat a bit by part cooking everything in the microwave and then finishing off by very slow cooking on the stove.

My ma used to make that, no idea what it was called, now i know. Thank you.
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