Mundane News

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Lovely luncheon of Polish sausage on toast, a pear, a Thoday's Quarrenden apple and two :cuppa:

Spent the afternoon working on the photo database. Picked 1990 at random last night as a trial, and as well as the pictures I knew I had, I've also found a decent bunch of images that I still need to scan from assorted printed media. Either they've come in recently, or it's stuff that I didn't bother scanning back in the day or it're pictures that I'd completely forgotten about. Plus I've found a few photos from earlier years that have been re-used.

Once again, it's a case of no matter how much you *think* you know, there's always a whole pile of stuff that you don't...

Am now enjoying another :cuppa:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
After a miserable looking start the weather turned out not too bad albeit a bit windy.
Did not get my act together enough to go out with the trike and the forecast for the next week is not too good.
Eventually went out by car to visit my wildlife pal and there is a new notice at the foot of his road saying
“Authorised Vehicles Only “.
He keeps filling in potholes and then too many 4 X 4s race up and down with dog walkers making them worse again. There is really only one turning/ parking spot at the top end so that is getting churned up and he does not want them parking near his house either.
Still feel a bit wobbly and fell asleep twice for an hour each time. Hope for a better night’s sleep and feeling better by tomorrow.
I feel like I have a mild cold which never goes away.


The GLW was out doing Molly Dance practise today, so had a wail of a time doing some sorting; kitchen pots 'n' pans cupboard, catfood cupboard and recently bought cat treats, one of the GLW's food cupboards, three crates in the shed, cut the grass; hopefully the last for the year. And when the GLW got home, she did a cracking tea for both - ! :girl:
Yup, a good day - ! :okay:


Vice Admiral
Got up for a pee in the early hours of the morning and found I'd lost my sense of balance, so had to lurch from grabbing point to grabbing point. A lot better this morning but still not fully recovered. I suspect a side effect of yesterday's flu jab.

So, I am not the only one with side effects of the flu jab.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
@Mike_P - I don't know, but like @Speicher & @Tenkaykev I've been suffering after-effects. I normally do but these appear worse. Fortunately I asked to have the Covid and flu jabs a week apart and I'm somewhat relieved.

SWMBO on the other hand has had both (her as frontline NHS rather than me as 'vulnerable') and doesn't appear to have made any difference - she's clearly made of tougher stuff than me :cursing:
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When my father was an apprentice gardener he worked on country estates. The bedrooms of the main house had chamber pots which were emptied into a large free standing tank. The contents of this was stirred up and used to “feed” the tomato plants in the large greenhouses. They had excellent crops of good tasting tomatoes tho’ the varieties in common usage then were selected for quality of taste rather than quantity.

There is a whole science of using "humanure" compost to make the stuff safe and usable for foodstuffs.

On the other hand, I knew of a few places in Japan where sewage was routinely emptied into rice fields: how they didn't have mass cholera epidemics I do not know; you could always tell when the locals wouldn't eat their own rice...
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