Mundane News

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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I've got three packs of the things. Can trebuchet one over.

I've got some in the freezer in the garage at the bottom of the garden, but it's raining.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I'm thinking of lunch, but it's in the freezer down the garden & I don't want to go out. (neither does the dog)

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Curiously, after our shopping trip, Wednesday, we got home & realised things that had been put in the trolley were missing. They weren't on the bill either & definitely weren't in the trolley. Either someone took them out of the trolley or they were taken off the belt. Very strange.

Somebody once walked off with my whole trolley in Tesco. Genuine mistake as they thought the nearest one was theirs without looking at the contents. :rolleyes:


Legendary Member
The sunshine only lasted until early afternoon, but at least it's still dry. I got out for a very nice 3 hour loop of the local countryside with just one quick stop to buy a bottle of drink - I'd made up a bottle in the morning and put it in the fridge while faffing around, only to completely forget to retrieve it when I went out. Time for dinner as the slow cooker has done it's thing on the casserole.
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Back to this morning I had just remounted the ebike at Waitrose when a foot customer pushed his empty trolley not that well into another. He walked away faster than the trolley did as it rolled away. I shouted to a car customer who was filling his car who got hold of it just before it scratched a BMW. Quite why they have a trolley bay that empties down grade is a mystery possibly to blame on Safeway whose store it was originally.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
When I went out to the library this morning I realised it was a bit damp so no triking today.
The Fire Brigade are having a charity car wash so long as nobody sets fire to themselves. Not going to bother this time as they stripped some of the plastic trim along the bottom of the rear side windows last visit. Too much power in the hose I think.
They have a vast area to cover with the two machines they have here plus auxiliary units elsewhere. I once met them going full blast to a reported hotel fire 55 miles down the road. Single track mostly so in touroid season can be a problem as some refuse to pull over promptly to let them past.
You would imagine that blue lights and sirens would help but I know of one case where a baby was born by the roadside in an ambulance which had been blocked for miles despite blues and twos.
Had a snooze this afternoon to try to recover and then a version of Cullen Skink for tea. It should really be smoked fish but could not be bothered getting the smoker set up outside for one meal for myself.
A very simple dish with the fish, potatoes, and onion poached in milk with a touch of mixed herbs. I cheat a bit by part cooking everything in the microwave and then finishing off by very slow cooking on the stove.
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