Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Cloudy but dry with no wind so far.
Should get out on trike some time today but very lethargic this morning.
Either my bathroom scales have gone a bit wonky or I have lost 2Kg in the last week. My weight does fluctuate a bit but never as much as that and I am not trying to lose weight from an average of 74Kg.
Library day so will go there and see if I feel better before deciding to go out on trike or not.
New washing machine has just finished but the spin cycle does not seem long enough as everything is wetter than I would like.
Need to experiment a bit more as at the first use the clothes seemed to be pretty dry after the final spin.


Sunny skies initially and the ebike to Lidl. Bought more than anticipated and hence back home before it went to Waitrose; should have taken a pannier but extra miles as a result totalling almost 13. Overcast now.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I ate some Christmas cake yesterday and I'm not ashamed at all.

Anyone got a hot cross bun?
It's a warm and still but drizzly day here chez Casa Reynard.

Did not sleep well thanks to the impending arrival of the monthly heffalumps. So I've had a quiet morning drinking tea and listening to the Ryder Cup on the radio. There is more radio listening on the agenda for later, as the Bournemouth v Arsenal game is on Talksport at 3pm.

If the drizzle boogers off, then I *may* got walnut furkling.

Almost time for luncheon.
Cloudy but dry with no wind so far.
Should get out on trike some time today but very lethargic this morning.
Either my bathroom scales have gone a bit wonky or I have lost 2Kg in the last week. My weight does fluctuate a bit but never as much as that and I am not trying to lose weight from an average of 74Kg.
Library day so will go there and see if I feel better before deciding to go out on trike or not.
New washing machine has just finished but the spin cycle does not seem long enough as everything is wetter than I would like.
Need to experiment a bit more as at the first use the clothes seemed to be pretty dry after the final spin.

Check to see if you can't increase the RPM of the spin cycle. A very handy feature on my Bosch, especially when drying stuff indoors.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I'm thinking of lunch, but it's in the freezer down the garden & I don't want to go out. (neither does the dog)


Curiously, after our shopping trip, Wednesday, we got home & realised things that had been put in the trolley were missing. They weren't on the bill either & definitely weren't in the trolley. Either someone took them out of the trolley or they were taken off the belt. Very strange.
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