Mundane News

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Puzzling near dusk ebike ride to Asda. Where had the Wahoo gone? Hadn't been able to find it. Remembered putting it on charge on Tuesday but no where to be found. Garmin in the rucksack was only useful as a ride tracker as could not hear it squeaking any Varia alerts.
Principally went for the fruit juice I forgot on Tuesday.
Returned home lights ablaze on the ebike and with the lights on in home found the Wahoo on the floor where it had been on charge; I had simply unplugged the lead from the charger.
Maybe need to fit a Garmin mount to the ebike.


Late afternoon spot of weeding the long border quite mild and sunny. Temperature soon dropped once sun started to fade when I later helped Mrs 73 to bring in the washing.
Tesco successfully navigated. Required bits bought, along with a few yellow sticker items - a tray of sausage rolls, a punnet of raspberries, three packs of green beans, a pack of HCB and half a dozen bars of Dr Oetker 35% cocoa solids milk chocolate. I also had a couple of snaccidents i.e. a pack of marmite rice cakes and a bag of tortilla chips. Whoops!

The Dr Oetker chocolate is surprisingly good - on a par with Green & Black and Lindt. I discovered this years ago when I ducked into the little Co-op next to Dalston Junction station to get out of the rain while waiting for a bus. Me being me, I checked out their YS items, and they had about a dozen boxes of the stuff priced at 30p a bar (normally £1.70). Bought one bar to try, really liked it, and proceeded to clean them out entirely. :biggrin:

Took a bag of tomatoes for my usual till lady. She was well chuffed, and said that if they were as good as the last lot, then she'd enjoy them very much. Another member of staff I'm on really good terms with also got some as he loves tomatoes ripened on the vine. Heck, I picked them an hour before heading out, so they could barely be any fresher! Also dropped off some tomatoes on the way home for the friend I go walking and to cat shows with.

Cream of tomato & basil soup followed by pasta tonnato for supper.

Tomatoes are now (almost) at a manageable level. It's been an exceptional year for them, it really has.
a colleague's husband works at a Panera restaurant. at the end of the day, they discard all unsold baked items. they sometimes bring some in to work. today they brought 1 LARGE box full of croissants & glazed pastries & 1 LARGE box full of cookies. I took only 1 large cookie for Wifey. not sure how my will power will hold up, because I have to walk past these 2 LARGE boxes, all day long ... ugh :eek::hungry:

Stuff the willpower :laugh:

The cookies wouldn't bother me as I largely find that sort of thing too sweet, but the other stuff on the other hand... I may have several snaccidents... :blush:
When my father was an apprentice gardener he worked on country estates. The bedrooms of the main house had chamber pots which were emptied into a large free standing tank. The contents of this was stirred up and used to “feed” the tomato plants in the large greenhouses. They had excellent crops of good tasting tomatoes tho’ the varieties in common usage then were selected for quality of taste rather than quantity.

I bet those tomato plants did well on that diet! I just buy a basic liquid tomato feed by the half gallon can.

My plants are pretty well much whatever varieties the stall on the market / the little garden centre in town have for sale. It's a bit pot luck, but the only one that's bombed so far are the "Roma" plum tomatoes. Didn't like the mushy texture or the bland flavour, the latter particularly disappointing for what is essentially a cooking tomato.


Legendary Member
What a lovely afternoon it turned out to be. Spent the morning doing the indoor domestics (bedding change & washing, vacuuming, ironing) then, after a spot of lunch & a mug of coffee, I went for a leisurely ride out to empty a backpack at the bottle bank and then the shopping for the weekend. By then it was a little breezy but sunny and very warm which meant that the grass had dried out enough to be cut by the time I got home. After which I treated myself to an ice cream sat in the sunshine in the back garden.

Working is very over-rated. Roll on retirement!
This is what I'm practicing for :thumbsup:


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
got some of those for later, can't wait, although not quite sure what to do them with :blush:


(Ok, they don't seem to know any Polish neolithic stone circles, so you'll have to imagine your own.)


Leg End Member
A bright and blustery day here chez Casa Reynard after a good bit of overnight rain.

Slept well. Morning's tasks included hand washing some things that don't go in the main wash, removing the husks from some walnuts and trying to tidy up the right mess the parental unit has made of the cook books. When you've got several hundred of them in the house (not counting loft / garage / utility room) you can see the scale of the problem. Mum likes to read them, but never puts them back where she found them, and as a result, I end up with teetering, wonky stacks where I can't find the ones that I *actually* use...

This afternoon I will have to pop out for bread, milk, potatoes and laundry soap.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon.
I think you're overestimating/overstating slightly the number of books you have.
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