Mundane News

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I'm working today 😔

sympathies. you're not alone

which reminds me of a Carrol O'Connor quote from the movie Return to Me: "I'm blessed to have work"
A bright and blustery day here chez Casa Reynard after a good bit of overnight rain.

Slept well. Morning's tasks included hand washing some things that don't go in the main wash, removing the husks from some walnuts and trying to tidy up the right mess the parental unit has made of the cook books. When you've got several hundred of them in the house (not counting loft / garage / utility room) you can see the scale of the problem. Mum likes to read them, but never puts them back where she found them, and as a result, I end up with teetering, wonky stacks where I can't find the ones that I *actually* use...

This afternoon I will have to pop out for bread, milk, potatoes and laundry soap.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon.
Well! I have waited patiently but the post hasn't arrived. I have just checked my order on the bay and it says that it should have arrived Saturday !
I have sent a message to the seller to let them know .
Lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with Polish sausage, one with goat's cheese, plus two (small) apples, a large tomato and two :cuppa:

I have picked two and a half kilos of tomatoes.

A friend's partner, like me, has eight tomato plants this year. They've had like 20 tomatoes. I've probably picked around fifteen kilos of tomatoes from my eight plants already, with a good bit still to come. Then again, I *do* feed them every week.

Time I tootled off to Tesco for a few bits.


Tonight is my last night visiting George,next Friday i have a prior engagement.Our next meeting is one day after my first chemo.It seems i will be open to germs and things so i am playing extra safe and cutting down visits.Why am i telling you this,well i have bought two of the biggest Belgian buns i have ever seen :hyper:🍰.It's going to be a nice evening.
a colleague's husband works at a Panera restaurant. at the end of the day, they discard all unsold baked items. they sometimes bring some in to work. today they brought 1 LARGE box full of croissants & glazed pastries & 1 LARGE box full of cookies. I took only 1 large cookie for Wifey. not sure how my will power will hold up, because I have to walk past these 2 LARGE boxes, all day long ... ugh :eek::hungry:
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