Mundane News

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I arranged for a day off from obligations, tomorrow, Saturday, but it's going to rain. I miss summer
New chain rings fitted to the timing side. Not sure it was needed. What do you think?



a colleague's husband works at a Panera restaurant. at the end of the day, they discard all unsold baked items. they sometimes bring some in to work. today they brought 1 LARGE box full of croissants & glazed pastries & 1 LARGE box full of cookies. I took only 1 large cookie for Wifey. not sure how my will power will hold up, because I have to walk past these 2 LARGE boxes, all day long ... ugh :eek::hungry:

Our neighbour use to work for security at McDonald's the stuff he used to fetch home was mad. The waste they make is sickening.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Back lawn has been mowed


colleague's husband works at a Panera restaurant. at the end of the day, they discard all unsold baked items. they sometimes bring some in to work. today they brought 1 LARGE box full of croissants & glazed pastries & 1 LARGE box full of cookies. I took only 1 large cookie for Wifey. not sure how my will power will hold up, because I have to walk past these 2 LARGE boxes, all day long ... ugh :eek:
Many years ago, the firm I was working for had several 'satellite offices' around the city. It had pre packed sandwich deliveries on a daily basis to said places. At the end of the day, there would be a fair amount left over. As I was collecting post, I was 'encouraged' to 'remove' these leftovers, much to the appreciation of my colleagues back at the main sorting area - ! :okay:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with Polish sausage, one with goat's cheese, plus two (small) apples, a large tomato and two :cuppa:

I have picked two and a half kilos of tomatoes.

A friend's partner, like me, has eight tomato plants this year. They've had like 20 tomatoes. I've probably picked around fifteen kilos of tomatoes from my eight plants already, with a good bit still to come. Then again, I *do* feed them every week.

Time I tootled off to Tesco for a few bits.

When my father was an apprentice gardener he worked on country estates. The bedrooms of the main house had chamber pots which were emptied into a large free standing tank. The contents of this was stirred up and used to “feed” the tomato plants in the large greenhouses. They had excellent crops of good tasting tomatoes tho’ the varieties in common usage then were selected for quality of taste rather than quantity.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Turned out to be not bad weather in afternoon with some sunshine. Did go out briefly but just too lethargic to do anything much. If I sit for too long I tend to fall asleep.
I promised somebody a copy of an old leaflet I must have somewhere but so far cannot find. It will not have been discarded as I am a bit of a hoarder but it is annoying that it is hiding somewhere unexpected.

Strange that some people do not believe everything on FB. The history of MaCaig’s Tower in Oban is worth going in the jokes section but probably a bit too long. Some straight laced people think we have just made it up.
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