Mundane News

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This mornings dog walk was nice the fox had a pal with him. One made a run for it but his pal hung around dashing around following us as we went. Till he had enough and made a brake for home. Part way round something went flying past close up straight away I work out it was a bat. After another close fly by and off it went. Not seen one for years as a kid we use to get them often flying round our back door.
I have been waiting for a lens filter to arrive in the post . Royal Mail. It was due to arrive on Monday . I couldn't believe what I just heard on our local TV . It said that Ofcom are thinking of relaxing the rules for deliveries! What's the point of a regulator that doesn't Regulate!
Why bother delivering things ? Why not just keep them and send them to land fil ? It would cut out the middle man and the seller is bound to refund or send another parcel! :angry:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Not currently raining but a bit windy.
Calmac are putting out warnings of disruption but does not seem bad enough here. I would not take the chance of a day trip to Oban anyway without my car as they have a habit of cancelling later sailings at weekends.
I do have a possible overnight place but always have a sleeping bag as minimum. We have unique problems here and this is why those who think life here is a doddle are misled.
Corran ferry is supposed to be back in service by mid October which cuts 40 miles and Fort William out of the journey from Oban if that has to be taken in extremis.
Coffee calls.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a slightly damp underfoot Suffolk as it looks like we had a bit more rain overnight than was forecast. The first coffee of the day has just been finished and I've decided that today will have to be a domestics day as the reduced rail service has scuppered my original plans. With any luck it may even dry out enough to get the grass cut this afternoon.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Second cuppa went down well


Mrs 73 is WFH at the moment just had someone in tears on the phone. Company A supply them with product A. They now in need of product B thats been supplied by service B. Company A can supply the thing that connects the two, but won't connect it as product B is not from company A. Service B won't do it other way because of same thing. Mrs 73 is now trying to find a solution but no one is in the mood to sort it. Things like this re why people end up back in hospital when they don't have to be.
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