Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I know there's a separate thread about it, but....


A 16 yr old has been arrested for cutting down the tree in Sycamore Gap by Hadrian's Wall.

Words fail me 😔


Itching to get back on my bike's
Tea is brewing
Had a degree of rain overnight here .

I know there's a separate thread about it, but....

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A 16 yr old has been arrested for cutting down the tree in Sycamore Gap by Hadrian's Wall.

Words fail me 😔

Yes it just doesn't make any sense at all and such a shame , it's a shame that they can't re attach it to the stub and see what happens


Itching to get back on my bike's
First cuppa went down well
Blue sky starting to appear
It's hard to believe it's Friday already
The bus is reminiscent of the old mail buses which were forerunners of the present post buses. The rear seats were blanked off for a large luggage compartment.
I have cycled on pretty well all the roads in the north over many years and the film shows them much as they were then.
I do take issue with some of the commentary and the commentator’s cod scotch accent makes me grue.

I think the ferry shown going into Portree was in fact the Stornaway boat from the main port of Kyle of Lochalsh or Mallaig. When we travelled on it you got silver service in the dining area.

I was never into rock climbing and going up a rock face with nothing but a safety line and lots of fresh air below gives me the creeps.

It gives me the feeling just watching it on TV!
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