Mundane News

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I remember on one occasion, riding my motorbike on a familiar road in Hertfordshire, I was puzzled by the curve in the cat's eyes* I was seeing. It was a herd of deer crossing the road.

* Cat's eyes in the UK are the reflectors in the middle of the road.

yeah when ppl (like me) see carcasses & blood stains, we mostly think of that single individual that was hit, when in fact, it may have been just 1 of a herd, that was on the roadway
A warm but grey and breezy day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well, but am having a quiet day as I'm still rather tired. I have done a load of laundry though, and solved the mystery regarding the disappearance of a pair of my undercrackers. Namely that the reason I couldn't find them was that they had been hiding in the bottom of the laundry bag since Sunday. The fact that they're the same colour as the laundry bag meant that they were well camouflaged. Ah well, they've got washed in this load of laundry instead of the last.

This afternoon I have some paperwork to do, and I will need to order another sack of cat biscuits from Zooplus. The ones I buy are £20 more on a 10kg sack than they were just a few years ago, but then again, all the dried cat food has gone up, not just the Royal Canin. Don't want to feed cheaper biscuits as they give Madam Lexi the runs. At least Zooplus are offering a 10% off voucher on RC at the moment, so it takes £6.20 off the ticket.

It's just about time for luncheon, so erst, ich wirde tee machen.
I was referring to the stuff with a thick top layer of hardwood then a cross layer of generally Birch with a 3rd layer running in the same direction as the top, this is to give stability, I wouldn't touch anything with MDF in it.

1 tip I will give is to remove the skirting boards, this avoids having to fit that ugly quadrant moulding which always make laminate floors look so crappy. Another thing is to make sure the floorboards are down tight and there are no big 'steps' in what will become a subfloor

We have a concrete floor . We might get the floor fitted professionally.
Well may estimation of the Oxford English Dictionary Waller's has sunk below my zero now! I have just been watching Countdown and they disallowed respool as it wasn't in . Even one of the presenters was shocked by that. Surely the term must surely go back in time to winding films at the cinemas and for working on reel to reel tape recorders ! Yet they allow foreign words which nobody has heard of ! I don't think much of the Waller's since I discovered that they didn't know what a dolly was ! It shows what little they know ! Bl**Dy useless!


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Weather today is the opposite from the usual in the recent past. Nice sunny morning and wet afternoon and evening.
Went up to the charity shop container with the surplus cast iron pans and the container is stuffed with books all loose and not in boxes or even tied in bundles. They will almost certainly get dumped as they already have too many books for sale and have requested that people refrain from bringing more. There is a charity shop in Benderloch which seems to specialise in books but a bit far away on the mainland.
Spent some time in the afternoon making some experimental pancake/oatcake things. Too thick to be pancakes or oatcakes and not crisp like oatcakes.
2/3 bowl of medium oatmeal and the other third self raising flour.
Generous dollop of sugar and some salt plus a splash of cooking oil followed by a handful of mixed fruit.
Mix to a thick cream with water and bake in ladle fulls on well oiled girdle.
Taste good. The mixture was left to soak for a couple of hours before cooking.

The ferry skipper who walks past most evenings with an old dog has had no following cat recently. It transpired the cat had gone walkabout for a while but was brought back home so should be out for the evening walk again.
Missing cats or dogs here do not generally get off for long as there are always people looking out for them.


Legendary Member
We have a concrete floor . We might get the floor fitted professionally.

Define 'professional', I've seen some right cack floors supposedly done by reputable companies with quadrant mouldings all around, bulges mid floor where they laid it on uneven subfloors without a sufficiently thick 'barrier layer' and creaks in random places again due to this.
A competent DIY'er could have done a better job far better than an erk with a Van who just wants to bosh it in and run off asap.
Had a lovely luncheon of a sandwich with Polish sausage and cheese, plus an apple, an orange and two :cuppa:

Hung up the laundry in the bathroom, ordered a 10kg sack of cat biscuits from Zooplus - good job I waited as the money off voucher was now 15%, so £9.37 off, and did an hour on the writing.

There's snooker on the TV this evening as well as rugby.

Now having a nice :cuppa:
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