Mundane News

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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Talking of inflation. When I was in the coop this morning I fancied getting some standard Mars Bars. 80p each fairly put me off the idea.

Just been reminded we are having our COVID jabs today so just need to sort out the flu jab next

good luck! what flavor? I always get Moderna & get a wicked headache & do feel weaker for a little while. almost don't remember it's been so long since my last. what time of day are you getting yours. mine will be next Tuesday morning, so by evening I'll be a littler cranky, I think


Legendary Member
I want to know if they pay him the pension owed.

See the reply on post 154658


Itching to get back on my bike's
good luck! what flavor? I always get Moderna & get a wicked headache & do feel weaker for a little while. almost don't remember it's been so long since my last. what time of day are you getting yours. mine will be next Tuesday morning, so by evening I'll be a littler cranky, I think

Will see what we get

Second cuppa went down well


good luck! what flavor? I always get Moderna & get a wicked headache & do feel weaker for a little while. almost don't remember it's been so long since my last. what time of day are you getting yours. mine will be next Tuesday morning, so by evening I'll be a littler cranky, I think

We don't get to pick it's what ever is planned to be used. Currently that is either Pfizer BioNTech or Moderna. It will normal come down to which one the practice have in stock. For clinical reasons some may get one in favour of the other. Sadly the one that politically has been decided to use is not the most update version available. Unlike other part of the world who have gone for most up to date one around.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Not a good day.
Got soaked taking some stuff out to the bin.
New washing machine has broken down with a pump failure.
On the upside no argument from Argos about replacement but due to other commitments I cannot get it until 24th October.
Fortunately I was brought up before washing machines were invented so hand washing is a chore but doable and I do have a spinner to get most water out before drying.
Larger items like bedding and towels I will take over to my son’s house when I go and get them done there.
Now I have been summoned to the surgery tomorrow to see a GP. Must be a result from my latest blood test and perhaps Debbie the nurse has put in a report as well.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
It was lovely and sunny out on my ride this morning and while I was enjoying an ice cream (a 99 with two flakes and strawberry sauce) on the way back.
It clouded over as I was doing a few bits in the bike shed and garden and rained a bit as I was pulling some carrots & picking some beans for my tea.


Turn out to be a nice dry sunny day took advantage of the weather 3 lots of washing done 2 dry and 3rd just pegged out.
Called into town as I was near popped into our local wilkos not a get deal left. Plenty of plant pots inc large size planters I'm after a few though have to wait for when i've the car.
Once home moved a few things round in the spare room ready for the storage boxers. Then made a start emptying the van for winter, sleeping bags unpacked lightly rolled and packed in lofting bags. Most stuff now in storage boxers ready to go away once i've had sandwich and :cuppa:. The rest in the van can wait for tomorrow.
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