Mundane News

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Gloriously sunny day in this bit of North Yorkshire. 61 car borne work miles this morning enviously seeing cyclist after cyclist out enjoying the day. Nearing the end of the journey took me, not exactly, pass Sainsbury's. Having the car a 10 pack of J2Os bought for £5.
Not a good day.
Got soaked taking some stuff out to the bin.
New washing machine has broken down with a pump failure.
On the upside no argument from Argos about replacement but due to other commitments I cannot get it until 24th October.
Fortunately I was brought up before washing machines were invented so hand washing is a chore but doable and I do have a spinner to get most water out before drying.
Larger items like bedding and towels I will take over to my son’s house when I go and get them done there.
Now I have been summoned to the surgery tomorrow to see a GP. Must be a result from my latest blood test and perhaps Debbie the nurse has put in a report as well.

still remember (1961ish?) seeing a scrub board & hand ringer in my Grandmother kitchen sink, while we were still in The Bronx. I have no memory if she/we didn't have a machine & maybe these were just for certain items? undoubtedly, would have been hand-downs from her mother? they are nowhere to be seen in my Mother's house. tho she still does still have our old milk box that used to sit on our front porch, for deliveries

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Cleaned three cat fountains, had a very pleasing 'reduction' of a very overgrown hedge with the large bits of wood going to a pal on the allotments who has a wood burner, trimmed two other hedges, cut grass, weeded and turned over some flower beds. ^_^
Oh, and took a wee hedgehog; 229gms. to the rescue centre. He was out at about 13.45h., not good. :blush:
So overall, a good day - ! :okay:


Lost my bank card at work today. First ine I ever lost inaround 40 years which made the bank guy laugh, he said they have customers that lose them every month or so.
Hey-ho, cancelled, wait for a replacement.


still remember (1961ish?) seeing a scrub board & hand ringer in my Grandmother kitchen sink,
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Should be ringing a bell with me but struggling. I remember well my mother having a new fangled electric twin tub washing machine. Clothing in, water connected, washing powder in, switched on and nothing happened. Thankfully she had the sense of mind to switch it off and call an engineer. Turned out the live and earth were swopped on it.

Evening stroll to Aldi. Not sure if all the cycling stuff was there as I obviously did not see any Merino wool base layer tops and picked up one of the cheaper ones instead, which is another way of saying I surprised at the bill not being as expensive as I was expecting.
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