Mundane News

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Leg End Member
Not that I can remember have you?
Aye, and on Sundays.
Pay rate increases for Saturdays and Sundays. And it's never the crew that should have been doing the round, that wouldn't count as overtime. Simply catching up on their round.
Morning .
It is getting lighter here . We got up early as my wife has gone to look after our grandson.
I'm fed up with my back playing up. It seems to get better during the day and worse at night now .
Georgie was full of beans when he came in this morning. He had a few mouthfuls of food and then started playing chasing his toys around . He's now gone to bed .


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Wet and windy and the world disappears from time to time as a bank of mist comes in with the rain which does not stop.
Temp inside this morning is 16C so some heat on. The gas cylinder in use looks to be nearly empty so the spare is standing by handy.
No idea what a refill costs nowadays but probably at least £60 upwards.
I want to avoid putting the storage heaters on until I come back from my next trip off island.
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