Mundane News

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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Another day, another velodrome ...



Lots of people on here know things about cars.

I have a car that has a SORN (statutory off road notice) that I will be giving to a local engineering college. They particularly wanted older cars without complex electronics. I have got the V5 (aka Log Book) but cannot find a document that stating that it is SORN.

The person from the college will fill in the V5, do they need a piece of paper saying it is SORN, or do they take ownership and then SORN it in their name? Does anyone know or where to find out on the relevant website please?

No you just tell them ownership has changed. As SORN automatically ends on change of ownership.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Lots of people on here know things about cars.

I have a car that has a SORN (statutory off road notice) that I will be giving to a local engineering college. They particularly wanted older cars without complex electronics. I have got the V5 (aka Log Book) but cannot find a document that stating that it is SORN.

The person from the college will fill in the V5, do they need a piece of paper saying it is SORN, or do they take ownership and then SORN it in their name? Does anyone know or where to find out on the relevant website please?

I think can be used to check the SORN/VED status of the car. If the college plan to drive it away it will need to be taxed. I gather the SORN declaration can go with the car at the time ownership is transferred, so if they're putting the car on a flat bed truck, I don't think you have to do anything with the SORN details.

EDIT: No, @tom73 is correct. SORN will have to be re-established by the new owner.
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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Lots of people on here know things about cars.

I have a car that has a SORN (statutory off road notice) that I will be giving to a local engineering college. They particularly wanted older cars without complex electronics. I have got the V5 (aka Log Book) but cannot find a document that stating that it is SORN.

The person from the college will fill in the V5, do they need a piece of paper saying it is SORN, or do they take ownership and then SORN it in their name? Does anyone know or where to find out on the relevant website please?

This should give you the status Gov car tax check

Get a screenshot and Bob's your uncle.. 👍


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
High winds and torrential showers all day.
Knackered shifting things about inside my house.
Shopping early before going to get bloods done. Turned up at the surgery a little early and was taken immediately. First time that has happened.
New washing machine arrived midday and plumber appeared soon after. Heavy brutes these washing machines as I had to do a bit of shifting and unwrapping of the thing when it arrived.
Slight complication as the water out hose supplied was too short. Apparently the assumption is that the machine is situated next to the kitchen sink and not the draining board side. My sink is the other way round and no room for the machine at the sink end. Plumber had to go off and find some bits to extend the hose. He will also be back tomorrow to take the old machine up to the dump but I will only have to appear if they argue. He tells them if they ask that he is just doing a favour which is actually true and they do not bother trying to charge him.
Not had the nerve to try it out yet.

Talking of inflation. When I was in the coop this morning I fancied getting some standard Mars Bars. 80p each fairly put me off the idea.
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Vice Admiral
I think can be used to check the SORN/VED status of the car. If the college plan to drive it away it will need to be taxed. I gather the SORN declaration can go with the car at the time ownership is transferred, so if they're putting the car on a flat bed truck, I don't think you have to do anything with the SORN details.

EDIT: No, @tom73 is correct. SORN will have to be re-established by the new owner.

Thank you, and thanks also to @tom73.

The vehicle will be taken away on a trailer, not driven.


On way home today spotted the parking police outside the school near us bet parents won't be happy.
Sadly they can't/wont do anything about the wall to wall school traffic parking all over the roads and pavements away from the areas with restrictions. I hope they had enough paper in the ticket machines they had plenty to go at. Serves them all right the signs are clear.
Best thing is they have plenty of parking spacers feet away on the main road with no restrictions.
Why the council can't give school heads or appointed representative a collar number and they can enforce parking everyday.
Soon get the problem sorted.
Shopping done in Tesco and Aldi.

Tesco has finished its refurb. On the face of it, place looks swanky now, but there's less overall shelf space (about 20% I'd guess) ergo their selection of lines has shrunk. :angry: Can't get the big 3kg bags of pasta, can't get the kilo blocks of cheddar, can't get my usual stock cubes, there's far less choice in the fruit & veg and the fecking idiots have put pet food in the same aisle as laundry soap and fabric conditioner, which means that the pet food will now taste of soap and perfume.

Stopped off at Aldi and bought two of their giant blocks of cheddar and some corned beef.

Very, very wet and soggy outside. Bleurgh.


Leg End Member
Good morning from an overcast and very blustery Suffolk. My legs have just about recovered trying to make progress into the headwind along Felixstowe seafront on this morning's ride to work. A little bit up the coast there were some kite surfers taking advantage of the wind & rough seas to have a bit of fun near the mouth of the River Deben.

It has been formally approved that of 1st March 2014 I will be officially retired :wahhey::wahhey::wahhey:
You retirement was approved nine years ago!
Does time travel in another direction in your neck o'woods?


Flip oranges, knew there was something else to pick up at the Co-Op. The appearance of the sun coincided with remembering the twin 10% off at Morrisons needing using up. Ebikes first outing since Saturday and quickly the realisation the battery was on two bars.
Best take it easy on the hills. No problem with the main hill outbound as a car was crawling over the speed bumps and just two of the five assist levels needed.
There was a clearly some very very light rain until I turned briefly onto NCN67 and it turned heavier equally briefly then stopped.
At Morrisons the clouds looked threatening to the north so just in case I took my helmet with me rather slipping through the D lock, and as usual had to do a U turn at the tills as I left it in the basket.
No rain on the return and the two cycle crossing were overall even better than last time. Maybe a smidge longer at the first but the second was showing a green bicycle when I got to it. Battery still on two bars. Home had had a soaking so I was pretty lucky with the rain.
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