Mundane News

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Well I took advantage of the rain and washed my car , I also washed out rear windows at the same time . As I returned into our back place I heard a drip drip sound! Water was dripping from our ceiling! Bl**Dy flat roofs !!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

When we had an extension built about 20 years ago all we could afford at the time was a flat roof. It is a bit unnerving sitting there when it's raining hard as it sounds quite unsettling. Last year I got up there and added a coat of Thomson "10 year roof seal " We're fortunate in that one of our running aquaintances is a Builder, he popped round last week as we're thinking of converting the downstairs loo. While he was there I asked him about the roof and he said not to worry as it's in good condition and should last for a good 10-15 years more before it needs attention.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Good morning from an overcast and very blustery Suffolk. My legs have just about recovered trying to make progress into the headwind along Felixstowe seafront on this morning's ride to work. A little bit up the coast there were some kite surfers taking advantage of the wind & rough seas to have a bit of fun near the mouth of the River Deben.

It has been formally approved that of 1st March 2014 I will be officially retired :wahhey::wahhey::wahhey:

Will you get back pension?
Cool, blustery and showery here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept ok-ish, but not as deeply as I'd have liked, so feeling a little tired. Rounded up my shopping bags this morning - it's crazy where they migrate to. Mind, I haven't been shopping for a month. I will have to go to Tesco this afternoon for some gubbins.

I have also picked about five kilos of tomatoes. Fortunately I shall be fobbing off half of those onto a friend tomorrow. I'll also have to make a big pot of tomato sauce, because a lot of them have split as a result of the heavy rain. I don't plan on making tomato chutney this year, but I may have to if the situation calls for it.

I will need to fill up Madam Lexi's dry food dispenser, and then it will be time for luncheon.
Lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with Polish sausage, one with cream cheese, plus an apple, and orange and the obligatory two :cuppa:

Shopping list sorted, shopping bags folded up and good to go, and soft plastics prepped ready to drop off in the hopper en route.

It's chucking down with rain here. Lexi asked to go out, so I let her out, and she came straight back in again.


Vice Admiral
Lots of people on here know things about cars.

I have a car that has a SORN (statutory off road notice) that I will be giving to a local engineering college. They particularly wanted older cars without complex electronics. I have got the V5 (aka Log Book) but cannot find a document that stating that it is SORN.

The person from the college will fill in the V5, do they need a piece of paper saying it is SORN, or do they take ownership and then SORN it in their name? Does anyone know or where to find out on the relevant website please?
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