Mundane News

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A mild but very blustery and showery day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well. Slowly starting to feel more chipper. Put the fully charged battery back into the car, and hey presto, everything works again! Went out for a drive down the A10 to the Cambridge Science Park, where it's easy to turn back on the roundabout. Came home via Littleport, so I could deal with the letters mum wanted posting and drop her prescription off at the quack. Did 32 miles in total, so that's a start. Mind, now that the weather is starting to turn towards the distinctly autumnal, I'll be using the car more anyways.

Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with pate, one with sliced avocado, plus an apple, an orange and the obligatory two :cuppa:

Now feeling a bit tired as this is the most I've done since I caught covid, but it's nice to get back into the saddle. I enjoyed my hour out of the house even if the traffic was a bit pants, but I listened to a very interesting interview with Hamza Yassin on Radio 5 Live while driving.

Going to spend the rest of the afternoon doing some writing methinks.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I set up a flu vaccination for my mum today because the texts now come to me, and I set up a COVID jab for myself on Saturday afternoon.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
'Interesting' bimble over to Milton Keynes for my HGV medical today..
Bloomin' blustery with a strong wind veering twixt head & sidewinds! One front tyre p*ncture about 2 miles before my destination, with a spare tube being popped in and pumped up.
On my return, the rear tyre started going spongy with a another slow p*ncture!
Typically, I didn't see the squire of The Village of the Damned, Poshshire, to ask if I could use his moat or horse trough to find the holes in both tubes so I just pumped the rear tyre up every few miles until I got back!
See you next time @Drago 👋


Two weeks ago the smoke alarms began bleeping.So Postman changed all three batteries,well they still bleeped for a while until a good press stopped them.We then saw they were sixteen years old.So an electrician was contacted and today we have the most wonderful looking replacements,i am not kidding they look stunning really nice looking.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
My flu and covid vaccine is not getting done till November 15th. Terrible problems with the web site { I am not the only one to have had this problem] so resorted to the call centre who seem to have little idea of geography.
Fortunately I knew that there was to be centre set up here in the Scout Hall in November so I was able to insist on getting done there. They suggested Oban or Iona among others which are not really practical. Iona is after all 60 miles and a ferry trip away and getting to and from Oban can be a bit of a lottery.

On the subject of car batteries. Surely a battery in reasonable condition should last at least a month with no running?
My motorhome lay for that long sometimes and always started ok. A neighbour does not use her car often and it lies unused for ages but I have never noticed any problems starting.


Two weeks ago the smoke alarms began bleeping.So Postman changed all three batteries,well they still bleeped for a while until a good press stopped them.We then saw they were sixteen years old.So an electrician was contacted and today we have the most wonderful looking replacements,i am not kidding they look stunning really nice looking.

Ours are wired in to the mains they have a life of ten years. One was replaced a few years ago as it was faulty the other is due to be replaced. As a temp fix the council put up a very cheep throw away one , that was 3 years ago still waiting for the wired true replacement.
Lucky its not the one at the top of stairs have to remember it's now independent of other so testing one won't set that one like it's meant to.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
When out at the weekend, passed an Ice cream van which had the engine chugging away to power the compressor for the fridge unit.
Wonder how it'll be before a fully electric ice cream van is marketed - ? :rolleyes:

When they freeze their prices?
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