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Legendary Member
Good morning from a grey & windy Suffolk. One mug of coffee down, two new computers logged into (apparently someone broke mine while waiting for their own broken one to be fixed) having to set up the various email inboxes I need access to, additional software downloaded, updates competed. Nearly 2 hours in and I've been able to do less than half an hour's work.

More coffee needed!


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
That's interesting. I think our machine came with something called a " Manual " but being a bloke I don't know what that is 😉

Instruction manuals are only meant to be read as a last resort when everything else fails. :laugh:


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I thought of @Andy in Germany when I came across this....


Itching to get back on my bike's
I am highly sceptical of this too. I have to 'rent' my kitchen with the rest of my apartment and it came with a dishwasher which I've never used. Last month my landlord came by with the years utility costs, and expressed surprise that I use so little electricity...

Glad to hear you haven't fallen for the bull sh@t either


Vice Admiral

We have a Bosch dishwasher. After about a year I thought " I wonder what that button does " when I pressed it the timer dropped from over two hours to 1:05.

The longer programme is supposed to be quieter.

Now that we have photovoltaic/solar panels, I put the dishwasher on the longer programme in daylight, instead of at the end of the day.

I hope this means that it takes in electricity at a slower rate, so that the solar energy is enough without taking it from the grid.


Still don't see it being more economical than half a bowl of water and a squirt of fairy liquid

Fairy , oh the decadence


The longer programme is supposed to be quieter.

Now that we have photovoltaic/solar panels, I put the dishwasher on the longer programme in daylight, instead of at the end of the day.

I hope this means that it takes in electricity at a slower rate, so that the solar energy is enough without taking it from the grid.

I'll probably be getting solar soon after many years of prevarication. Certainly get a battery at the same time.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
At the council every so often FM did an evening raid and removed anything left out on desks or under them.They made you go to secretary to fetch them. We also got warnings left on desks if stuff was left out. It was strongly enforced nothing and no-one from top down was safe.

They'd have needed a truck to move what I used to leave on my desk.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
The cruise ship cyclist menace spreads.
My brother told me about difficulties with large groups of cyclists blocking roads on Shetland when they come off cruise ships. This seems to have now spread to Orkney and residents there are getting annoyed by the same problem.
The police there are getting involved and the liner owners are getting harassed.
Not a way to make friends and influence people.
Anybody coming off a cruise ship here would be faced with a steep climb out of town and lots of hills everywhere so not so likely.
On the Isle of Lewis visitor numbers are overwhelming the Callanish Stones site and charging is being considered as one way of controlling numbers.
When we first went there many years ago there was no barrier of any kind and certainly no visitor centre. There is a photo somewhere of my wife climbing on one of the stones which would cause massive reaction nowadays.

I saw a piece in the paper today about a cruise ship carrying 4000 passengers anchoring outside a town of 6000. It's totally destructive.
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