Mundane News

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Nice sunny day with little wind.
Library in the morning when I forgot my specs so took books not quite at random but in hope they turn out to be to my taste.
After lunch out on trike on a usual route. Strangely almost traffic free with only a couple of small convoys. Sheep and cattle on the road but that should not have such an effect.
A car in the ditch on the A848 and blocking all but small cars should have increased traffic on the Dervaig road.
Coming home almost got wiped out by an idiot going too fast round a blind corner. Don’t know if he heard the words directed towards him but he did not wait to find out. A couple of peds walking on the carraigeway were clearly not pleased to have to move to one side to let me past. The camp site had a couple of tents so pretty quiet.
Down at the main car park chaos as bad as usual so just came back home.

The 1705 ferry is still on the pier at1825 as there is a problem with the lifeboat engine.
This means to next ferry is delayed as the berth is blocked which leads to the next one being delayed and therefore the next again delayed. Any sensible person should be able to work out most of that for themselves but OTOH I wonder how many touroid are sensible. It takes 5 text messages so far to convey the basic info.

You make your place sound so idyllic you wonder why tourists go there ? :whistle: is grey here and it looks pretty breezy.
I've just taken 2 parrots and having a :cuppa:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
You make your place sound so idyllic you wonder why tourists go there ? :whistle:

It used to be almost idyllic but now it is overcrowded and too many grasping businesses trying to fleece tourists. At this time of year we had generally relative peace as the tourist rush only lasted a month at most and even then not as busy as today.
Not sure what they are all looking for but I suspect a lot are disappointed in what they find.
There used to be one ferry to/from Oban which coped reasonably well but now with two ferries running it is difficult often to get a booking to travel when you want to.
If I could afford it I think I would move away to the mainland to escape the madness tho' there are still some advantages but not enough to keep me here. I am now too old and unfit to cope with a flitting I think anyway.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
You make your place sound so idyllic you wonder why tourists go there ? :whistle:

Tourists very often have a false impression of what to expect. I wonder how many will come back?
Many if not most are used to relatively crowded conditions at home and the overcrowding is not so obvious to them perhaps. Once we went to Iona early in the day and coming off before lunch time there was a queue of many hundreds if not into the thousands waiting to get on the ferry over. It is a very small island so often in summer very overcrowded during the day.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Cold wet and windy today so not much doing outside.
25th November is Christmas lights switch on and late night shopping.
The shops participating provided a bowl of punch for all customers or even prospective ones. Mine was pretty strong in alcohol and I remember going along to the ironmongers for another bottle of brandy to add to the mix. We walked home. :angel:
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