Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Nice sunny day with little wind.
Library in the morning when I forgot my specs so took books not quite at random but in hope they turn out to be to my taste.
After lunch out on trike on a usual route. Strangely almost traffic free with only a couple of small convoys. Sheep and cattle on the road but that should not have such an effect.
A car in the ditch on the A848 and blocking all but small cars should have increased traffic on the Dervaig road.
Coming home almost got wiped out by an idiot going too fast round a blind corner. Don’t know if he heard the words directed towards him but he did not wait to find out. A couple of peds walking on the carraigeway were clearly not pleased to have to move to one side to let me past. The camp site had a couple of tents so pretty quiet.
Down at the main car park chaos as bad as usual so just came back home.

The 1705 ferry is still on the pier at1825 as there is a problem with the lifeboat engine.
This means to next ferry is delayed as the berth is blocked which leads to the next one being delayed and therefore the next again delayed. Any sensible person should be able to work out most of that for themselves but OTOH I wonder how many touroid are sensible. It takes 5 text messages so far to convey the basic info.
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Itching to get back on my bike's
Mademoiselle Fondo is making a shepherds pie tonight, veg and pickled beetroot, yum :hungry:

Ooh yummy

Have you thought about your outfits for Dancing this autumn? :scratch:

Yes going for the less sparkly option what about you ?


Leg End Member
Someone has been busy - all the 30's have a removeable 3's, and loads of 20 signs painted on the roads. Lot's of 'new speed limit signs' too. Some silly things where you've got a national speed limit which then becomes a 20, would be better dropping the national speed limit roads in these areas. ! I suppose there will be an army of folk out overnight removing the '3' stickers.
When Ireland went metric, the signs remained the same just the unit was changed. Changed at midnight, with the first driver caught speeding at one minute after midnight.


Legendary Member
When Ireland went metric, the signs remained the same just the unit was changed. Changed at midnight, with the first driver caught speeding at one minute after midnight.

That's wrong. 30MPH became 50Km/hr. 40MPH became 60km/hr. The white with black stripe national speed limit applies sign was replaced by 100Km/hr signs on national primary routes and by 120Km/hr signs on motorways. A new 80 Km/hr limit was applied to regional and local roads which did not usually have any speed limit signs at all previously, so were national speed limit unless otherwise stated. Every single speed limit sign was changed. Small repeater signs were also added on the main roads which never existed before.

Main roads had signs put up and covered until they were needed.

And now, it appears we will be getting 30km/hr limits in towns, 60km/hr on rural roads and 80km/hr limits on national secondary routes, probably from towards the end of next year.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Ireland are certainty teaching Tonga how to play rugby!! 🏉
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