Mundane News

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Legendary Member
This afternoon there's also a belated 40th birthday do for one of my work colleagues in Ipswich with a round of 'pub golf' organised. I'm thinking of going but claiming I'm on a 'seniors tour' of a couple of drinks in the first pub due to heading out early tomorrow.


Not foggy but a low cloud with a distinct dampness in the air.
Ebiked to Waitrose as normal for a Saturday and got the excess billed bags refunded from Monday. A use of a self service till issue, the number of bags screen has the 4 immediately below the 0. Assistant said it was quite common; me thinks they need to reorder the screen so the 0 is clearly on its own.
No apple shortage but then at their prices not surprising; a trip to Aldi coming up.
Got home to find postie had delivered the parcel from South Yorkshire; their info not usefully had said between 7.30am and 7.30pm. Looking at the tracking it took 15 hours to Leeds via the North West superhub and then a further day to find itself ready to be delivered at Harrogate.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Off out shortly. Last day of 30 mph. Should be interesting on tomorrow's ride.

Someone has been busy - all the 30's have a removeable 3's, and loads of 20 signs painted on the roads. Lot's of 'new speed limit signs' too. Some silly things where you've got a national speed limit which then becomes a 20, would be better dropping the national speed limit roads in these areas. ! I suppose there will be an army of folk out overnight removing the '3' stickers.


Had to call into town forgot the footballs on why they still allow all this pre match drinking lord knows.
One of the things I don't miss is giving up most Saturday afternoons patching them up.

Deleted member 1258

The world is full of weirdos.Yesterday i liked a post about Johnny Cash,who i said was my favourite artist,after buying some tapes in 1965 from Readers Digest.So lunchtime after getting back from this super duper scan of all scans,i go on Facebook,only to find a message from a woman about twenty years younger than me.She is stood in sportswear in front of her fireplace with her hand pulling down the front of her lycra shorts not right down but its a weird post.Well despite not being computer savvy i had managed to block her from ever sending anything else,and furthermore i will not like anything else ever.Plus i have blocked the Johnny Cash page also,barmy effing barmy what was she doing i am 73 for crying out loud.

I sometimes get friend requests from scantily clad young ladies, what they want with a 71 year old granddad I don't know but could guess, most of them appear to be in Los Angeles, I just block them.
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