Mundane News

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The average human nostril contains about 120 hairs ( Just been reading an article about this years IgNobel prizes on Ars Technica )

Which has just reminded me that while reading a story with my granddaughter a week or so ago, the character had big bushy eyebrows, a beard, and long white hairs poking out of his nostrils. Granddaughter remarked, " you've got white hairs up your nose too grandad " 😮


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
A parcel's been delivered by Evri this morning that was originally sent on the 17th of May. I needed it for son no. 2's Ridley Helium bike build, so it's just a bit late arriving!


All at sea⛵
I took Mrs. GA to Lincoln, Illinois, the only town named for him while has was still alive. He christened the town site with a watermelon, of which there is a statue. Lincoln surveyed the town site, and did the legal work involved in the incorporation, IIRC.

Then got the bus home...Abe I mean not you.

Blew that little witty riposte didn't I!
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All at sea⛵
Dry but cold this morning.
Three wimmen just gone past. One in front dressed in sleeveless top displaying tattoo from wrist to elbow and carrying nothing. Two rather plump ones behind in full jackets with backpacks and looking miserable. All brisk walking and I get the impression the front one is in charge and two conscripts on punishment behind.
FB has not been very interesting these days. Touroid holiday snaps and how wonderful it has all been. Who cares apart from themselves?
This morning great concern as a seagull has been seen with a cable tie on it's leg. OMG what will we do ?

The end of civilisation lurks in the wings


All at sea⛵
I'm going to work soon 😔

Reassuring, will it be productive or consumptive?
I spotted a Dragonfly in our garden . It was about 8 feet away when I took the picture. I have cropped the picture and boosted the contrast. The lens was the Tamron 70- 300.

dragonfly 1.JPG
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