Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Lovely sunny day and warm at home despite 7C when I got up this morning.
Nice and fresh down the street when I was down at the Calmac office at 0900 and most of the touroid were still indoors out of the way.
Drove up to a favourite viewpoint and found 4 camper vans in residence. One of the occupants glared at me as if I had no right to invade their space.
Out on trike at lunch time but once I got up to higher ground the north wind became quite cold and I should have worn my bikesters rather than shorts. Still clear sky and sunny tho".
Spent some time clearing out stuff from under the kitchen sink as the plumber doing my washing machine installation will be working under there and had another run up to the recycling container. Thursday this week is landfill bin day so more to go out yet.

I notice the Royal Bank travelling bank van has abandoned the car park and on it's weekly visit can only get space at the local camp site about a mile out of town.
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Legendary Member
After a damp start, it has turned out to a beautiful evening. All my holiday washing is drying out on the line. I must go to the supermarket now to restock the cupboards.

Would be a nice evening for a bike ride but I'll take a rest evening as I feel tired after covering 200 odd miles over the weekend and yesterday was quite a long day with walking, cycling, ferry and driving all thrown in.


Legendary Member
The ladies' cricket ODI abandoned due to rain, so carried on watching coverage from Goodwood.

I might offend a fair few fanbois by saying this, but those 1960s Ferrari 250 jobbies don't really "do" it for me. And what's with that breadvan thingy?

The 'Breadvan' was an aerodynamic thing the experiments culminating in the 'Cam Tail' rear end of the 70's
There is dissension in the ranks !
The Men's Shed that I go to has been a virtual one for years , but an actual one is being readied for us to use. The trouble now is that decisions are being made which is causing a bit of a rift in the membership. There is talk of making things for people which to some of us sounds like work! There is also the feeling that we could be doing something and someone tells us that we are doing it wrong !

We might just be cranky old peeps but we have years of working for other people and just want to do our own thing.
At the moment we have meetings on Tuesday afternoons where we get together, have a chat and a laugh and a cup of tea. There is also a social aspect where we have been on visits and had skittle evenings and BBQ's.

There is talk of us moving to a new venue which is owned by another group which will mean further annual membership plus our weekly tea money wouldn't be going to the shed which would mean a loss of £1,000 per year.

I've repaired things and removed dents for some of the members but I don't think that I will use the new workshop. I prefer to fiddle about at home on my own projects .
The offer of a chocolate tortie oriental ex-breeding queen has fallen through.

FFS, if you weren't ever going to be serious about it, why mess me around? NOW the owner tells me that they want to home it together with another cat of theirs, and they want someone with a catio. I made it clear to them that I only have the space for two cats, and that I don't have a cat run / catio because I can't change the footprint of the house due to planning restrictions, and that my cats can choose to go outside if that's what they want to do.

I was honest with them from the start, why the f*ck couldn't they be honest with me? Makes the person who introduced us look really stupid as well. A simple "no, sorry" would have been easier and simpler than stringing me along.

Back to square one.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Sounds like i am still operating dads taxi service after being layer off for a few years

I'm glad my daughter has her own car. My family taxi involvement focusses mainly on ferrying grandkids and my mother around. Today, however, I picked up my cousin from the London City. I did get 3 different Swiss mountain cheeses (mostly for me) and 3kg of Lindt chocolate for the daughter's progeny.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Sounds like i am still operating dads taxi service after being layer off for a few years

I hope your taxi service didn't get called out anywhere near Barnes Meadow this morning just before midday!
Sad goings on there Welly-bound with someone jumping off the bike path bridge into the traffic.. Grandson & I were heading eastbound and saw half a dozen cars and a van slewed all over the road but didn't realise what had happened until later.


The offer of a chocolate tortie oriental ex-breeding queen has fallen through.

FFS, if you weren't ever going to be serious about it, why mess me around? NOW the owner tells me that they want to home it together with another cat of theirs, and they want someone with a catio. I made it clear to them that I only have the space for two cats, and that I don't have a cat run / catio because I can't change the footprint of the house due to planning restrictions, and that my cats can choose to go outside if that's what they want to do.

I was honest with them from the start, why the f*ck couldn't they be honest with me? Makes the person who introduced us look really stupid as well. A simple "no, sorry" would have been easier and simpler than stringing me along.

Back to square one.

I've learned a new word today " catio ". Had to look it up.
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