Mundane News

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The offer of a chocolate tortie oriental ex-breeding queen has fallen through.

FFS, if you weren't ever going to be serious about it, why mess me around? NOW the owner tells me that they want to home it together with another cat of theirs, and they want someone with a catio. I made it clear to them that I only have the space for two cats, and that I don't have a cat run / catio because I can't change the footprint of the house due to planning restrictions, and that my cats can choose to go outside if that's what they want to do.

I was honest with them from the start, why the f*ck couldn't they be honest with me? Makes the person who introduced us look really stupid as well. A simple "no, sorry" would have been easier and simpler than stringing me along.

Back to square one.

Sadly the days are gone where cats used to gather outside your bedroom windows at night to serenade you whilst you slept and a few months later you would hear the sounds of tiny paws scampering around in your house .


Legendary Member
One very heavy thunderstorm type deluge late this afternoon, but other than that a fairly warm day. Got all the domestics done by early afternoon so I went out for a slow shopping & get some fresh air type ride on the 29er. My sister has booked us all in for lunch at the local Miller & Carter tomorrow afternoon so all I've got to do is remember the debit card.
Sadly the days are gone where cats used to gather outside your bedroom windows at night to serenade you whilst you slept and a few months later you would hear the sounds of tiny paws scampering around in your house .

Oh, I get a (sort of) fair share of that, living in between two feral colonies. Although since the two entire males who were doing the serenading were finally trapped* and given pompomectomies, I've not had any issues since.

But with Lexi being 11, I don't really want a kitten. Or two kittens as has been suggested to me - because then I'd end up with three cats, which I don't want. I was looking for an ex-breeding queen to be able to give her a five star retirement and plenty of one-on-one interaction.

And it's easy enough to teach cats to stay within the boundaries of the garden without the need for an enclosure. It's just a matter of patience and plenty of treats. Oris have brains, which is why I was looking for one.

* I didn't trap them, not for the want of trying. But the lady who owns a nearby livery stable managed to do so and get them done


Leg End Member
There's a big difference between a casio and a catio ;)
Only one letter difference in the alphabet!

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
The offer of a chocolate tortie oriental ex-breeding queen has fallen through.

FFS, if you weren't ever going to be serious about it, why mess me around? NOW the owner tells me that they want to home it together with another cat of theirs, and they want someone with a catio. I made it clear to them that I only have the space for two cats, and that I don't have a cat run / catio because I can't change the footprint of the house due to planning restrictions, and that my cats can choose to go outside if that's what they want to do.

I was honest with them from the start, why the f*ck couldn't they be honest with me? Makes the person who introduced us look really stupid as well. A simple "no, sorry" would have been easier and simpler than stringing me along.

Back to square one.

I have never heard you so vehement ,
I hope everything works out for the best .
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