Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I now have a Bluetooth mouse. Remarkably, I've managed to get the laptop to find it. It couldn't find it while the mouse was on so I switched it on and off. Windows then found it as it reappeared. My provisional explanation is that my laptop couldn't find it because it was there. It had to be not there and then there to be found. I'm glad I don't have Bluetooth socks.

Phone Link has me beat, though. It's simply not worth the trouble.
I accidently nudged a glass bottle which was on our draining board onto the floor. It could have just broken into a couple of pieces but it had to be bl**Dy awkward and shattered onto thousands of tiny fragments! Whits I was on my hands and knees sweeping up the fragments my back decided to go Ping!
I think I will go and have a lie down !


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Lovely sunny warm day and got shopping and booked ferries more in hope than anything else. We seem to have constant breakdowns and the Kilchoan ferry is off to Skye as one of their ferries had a battery fire.
The trouble with the present ticketing system is that it is very inflexible and you have to get your ticket money refunded and then buy another ticket if the ferry is off. In the past you got a ticket and could travel at any time so long as the boat had space. All this is supposed to be better than the old system but the staff are getting increasingly fed up as they have constant changes and problems to deal with now and nobody knows what is going on.
Nobody has a bad word to say about the staff who seem to present a positive face to the traveller.
In private I hear a few of the frustrations caused by management.
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