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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
A Sigma F5.6 400 mm PK. Tamron AF 70- 300 F 4 - 5.6 ,LD DI PKA.

After looking at some reviews I thought I would try my Vivitar 70 -300mm F 4.2- 5.8. It's what I use for the air shows. The review gave it a good write up or a different version of it . Apparently it seems as though one version was better than the other. I just shoot using Jpeg as we didn't have the means to convert raw images .
I have a Pentax K10D and a K50.

I keep thinking about getting some long lenses for my K3. Although I do have an old Russian 300mm mirror lens. I bought a 50mm film era lens a while back too.

i've a K10 not a bad little camera. Not use it for a while tend to use my phone a lot now.
This is not a bad site for 2rd hand bits it's like music magpie but just camera stuff.

As they say, the best camera is the one you have with you, & I nearly always have my phone too.


Yes it is a very good camera . I bought it second hand some years ago . It was a vast improvement over my istD.
I have a couple of Nikon's that I bought very cheap . The processing software seems to be better on the Nikon's but they seem to be more complicated to use. Also the flash card pins on the Nikon D70 seem to be prone to cause trouble .

MY wife's CF card in her Olympus was always bending pins in the reader
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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Lasagne cooked and I'm too hot to eat it ... good grief its like a blast furnace in my south facing kitchen. A chilled glass of white with an ice cube in might pull me round. Bon appetit :sweat:

I usually make a batch of lasagne then freeze them, trouble is, the freezer is full!

Mind, I've just made 12 cheese & bacon turnovers that are in there.
Ooh! Rhubarb and custard bike frames ! :whistle:
I keep thinking about getting some long lenses for my K3. Although I do have an old Russian 300mm mirror lens. I bought a 50mm film era lens a while back too.

As they say, the best camera is the one you have with you, & I nearly always have my phone too.

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MY wife's CF card in her Olympus was always bending pins in the reader

Most of my lenses are non digital and manual focus from when I had a Ricoh Kr 10. I do things on the cheap if I can .
She looks a bit angry about something. Is there a giant male animatronic character who left the seat up?

well ... The syrian war killed approx. 580,000 people, of which a minimum of 306,000 deaths are non-combatant, with pro-assad forces causing more than 90% of the civilian deaths. The war has also forcibly displaced 14 million Syrians, with over 7 million refugees, causing the largest refugee crisis in the world

I'd be pissed too


So my email I sent a few hours ago has worked the finance dragon never bothered to look what was stapled to my pension form.
So just filed it only now has she looked and found my line manger. Had attached my time sheets to it so now have to wait for this month to get paid.

That email was then quickly followed by another to all our dept. Saying the kitchen staff are short handed do any of us what to help out. :banghead:


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
And in terms of salary I would suggest an email to all concerned stating that no payment has been received, with a request for when said payment will be made - preferably within that working day. That way none can say they didn't know and if it goes wrong there starts to be an audit trail. My guess is your line manager hasn't processed your, and probably others', time sheets by the salary deadline. The more it's flagged, the more likely it'll get dealt with. Oh, and if nothing happens go above finance. It'll probably confirm concerns they may have already.

And that would be evidence if it ever came to court. Just make sure the email is set up to tell you when it was read/opened/deleted.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Light cloud cover but still very hot.
Went down to Loch na Keal for a change of scenery but the run down was very strange. The heaviest traffic I have ever seen heading north. Convoys of up to about a dozen vehicles which seemed to keep coming. They must have come off two ferries about the same time and also add in local traffic.
Today and tomorrow is the local Mod {Gaelfest for those who do not know} so I can only presume they are heading for Tobermory to spectate or take part.
Early in the day the lochside road was quiet but more traffic was appearing by midday so gave up about then. Cut my run a bit short due to meeting what was probably a Highland bull on the road. I would have faced it down on foot or a bike but the recumbent is a bit more vulnerable so decided to bail out then.
It may be a coincidence but there were no tents to be seen and only motorised overnighters. Cattle are very curious and would destroy a tent just to see what it tasted like.
Now too hot for comfort but should cool down a bit soon and this weather is not forecast to stay anyway.
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