Mundane News

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Hong Kong
Well, woke up this morning and most of HK is under water. Heaviest rainfall since records began in 1884. MTR stations flooded and I’ve no idea if schools are open. 😱 6.5 inches of rain in one hour last night.

Edit - Just been announced that Shenzhen, over the border in China, will be releasing water from their reservoir soon. That's not going to make anything better here.
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Leg End Member
A hot day but enough wind to keep temperature bearable.
Shorts on to go for a walk up the road to my wildlife pal's place
which was not too bad. Several young buzzards buzzing around as I was going up.
On the way just down from my house came on an accident where it looked like a wheelchair had tipped over as it was lying on it's side and somebody lying on the road in the recovery position. The local police constable who lives near me was on hand and a couple of women with blue uniforms who must be local nurses were there as well as various gawkers.
This is a right angle steep bend with a bad camber so not unlikely they were caught out by that.
In winter icy conditions I have had a few dodgy descents on my way down to my workshop in early morning on that bend.

Managed with much swearing to get on the the Borrowbox on line library but no real idea how I managed it.

More swearing at NHS Scotland website to book flu/covid vaccine. Gave up in the end and managed eventually to get an appointment by phone for November.
Just as well you had the shorts on. Trapped air in long trousers can be tiresome.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Mrs is back and been telling me about Derek he was in training to be a seizure alert dog. But had a seizure himself so can't carry on training. He's done level one so can open/close door, empty washing machine , pick up keys, remove socks and stuff.
But lives a normal life as an ambassador dog. A fully trained support dog takes 2 years and cost £25000.

Derek is more domesticated than SWMBO.

Would his owner be amenable to a swap?

And in terms of salary I would suggest an email to all concerned stating that no payment has been received, with a request for when said payment will be made - preferably within that working day. That way none can say they didn't know and if it goes wrong there starts to be an audit trail. My guess is your line manager hasn't processed your, and probably others', time sheets by the salary deadline. The more it's flagged, the more likely it'll get dealt with. Oh, and if nothing happens go above finance. It'll probably confirm concerns they may have already.
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Legendary Member
Catching up with the Tour of Britain after a lovely day out and a few observations
  • How do they make it look so easy - I've ridden those roads
  • The route looks quite different from a camera lens compared to a riders eye view
  • The adverts on day time TV are dire - funeral plans and charity pleas for donations. When I retire I hope I never have to revert to ITV afternoons :laugh:
Catching up with the Tour of Britain after a lovely day out and a few observations
  • How do they make it look so easy - I've ridden those roads
  • The route looks quite different from a camera lens compared to a riders eye view
  • The adverts on day time TV are dire - funeral plans and charity pleas for donations. When I retire I hope I never have to revert to ITV afternoons :laugh:

Don't forget the ads for viagra! :laugh:

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
A Sigma F5.6 400 mm PK. Tamron AF 70- 300 F 4 - 5.6 ,LD DI PKA.

After looking at some reviews I thought I would try my Vivitar 70 -300mm F 4.2- 5.8. It's what I use for the air shows. The review gave it a good write up or a different version of it . Apparently it seems as though one version was better than the other. I just shoot using Jpeg as we didn't have the means to convert raw images .
I have a Pentax K10D and a K50.

I love the K 10D. I love the old CCD sensors I use some of the old Pentax AF film camera lenses, as everything is backwards compatible
Little Amal came to Boston. Wifey went to greet her, after work
View recent photos.jpeg



reminds me of the Bread & Puppet Theater in Vermont
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