Mundane News

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Morning .
The Sun is gradually breaking through the beige sky .
I have been buying some 2nd hand lenses on the bay. Seeing loads of big lenses at the air festival made me feel a bit inadequate. Plus it seems as though the planes are moving out to sea more . At this rate they will soon be displaying off the French Coast.
I have been trying to find reviews for the lenses I bought. Most of the reviews are for the latest camera gear and not for the old stuff. If you do find what you are looking for you find out that the reviewer has the latest camera which is not suited to the old lens . So after all of that I have just bought 2 old lenses relatively cheaply and try them out . I suppose the other alternative is to mount the camera on the end of a really long stick and wave that at the aircraft.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sunny morning and temp was 19C when I got up. That is almost double what it was same time last week.

Need to go and sort out the garage appointment this morning assuming they get the correct parts next time.

Text message inviting me to make an appointment for my winter flu and if wanted anti covid vaccine.
This would seem a bit odd as yesterday I put on public forum that I had received no invitation but the message does give my unique id and date of last vaccine so it must be genuine.
Not sure about the covid one but will decide later today.

If I lived in Craignure {which heaven forbid} I could live almost free as the community fridge there is overloaded with free food available to anybody. Better not tell the touroid as that will only encourage more of them to invade. :ohmy:
Today has started .....l hesitate to say well ! Just collected an item posted from the UK thats the good news , the not so good news is that l had to pay €13 import tax ! I guess Brexit is good news for the French government and l do hope that the British government are equally content ! Oh yes and on my way back to my house l went through a STOP sign and was pulled over by the Gendarme ....that could have been a €90 fine but hey its the start of another hot day and l guess he couldn't be bothered so he made do with a bit of a lecture . I shrugged my shoulders and looked glum , he shrugged his shoulders and looked stern . Honour satisfied, we parted company, l do love France


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Today has started .....l hesitate to say well ! Just collected an item posted from the UK thats the good news , the not so good news is that l had to pay €13 import tax ! I guess Brexit is good news for the French government and l do hope that the British government are equally content ! Oh yes and on my way back to my house l went through a STOP sign and was pulled over by the Gendarme ....that could have been a €90 fine but hey its the start of another hot day and l guess he couldn't be bothered so he made do with a bit of a lecture . I shrugged my shoulders and looked glum , he shrugged his shoulders and looked stern . Honour satisfied, we parted company, l do love France
Ah, yes, gendarmes take STOP very literally.


Bickerton, Tockwith, Little Ribston. Sounds like a nice bike ride but was by car this am on work matters. First time it's moved since last Friday and looking horribly in need of a wash for just sitting on the driveway.

The second one to go to was someone who wants an answer yesterday. Found a locked gate and pressing the button was greeted by "email me or come back later". Further presses of the button where not responded to. So much for that.

Somehow found myself passing a Lidl so popped in for a couple of bags of salad leaves.
On a lighter note and with regard to my infatuation with all things Mavic, there is a new toy in my workshop / spare bedroom.

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