Mundane News

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Legendary Member
One mug of F6 coffee just finished, so I suppose I'd better get ready to head off for this 'development' day.
I lasted until the first coffee break then packed up and headed into the office to do real work. Wondering how I'd react to having a penguin in my freezer and 'wheels of life' to create SMART goals for my future development (at nearly 59 years old FFS) meant nothing to me - I'd rather have had an extra day off work and some cash to enjoy it with. A decision has been made and the button will be pressed tomorrow morning.
Morning .
It is beige here this morning.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Forecast to be a clear day but currently a bit cloudy and windy.
Not going anywhere as my car is due to get picked up by the garage to get a couple of MOT advisories fixed.
My good deed yesterday was to shift a toad in prime squashing position on the roadway.
It did occur to me later I did not enquire which direction it was heading so may just have put it back where it started. :blush:
I did not pick it up as they secrete something nasty on their skin to deter predators.
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