Mundane News

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Rishi is quite right saying 'not my fault gov' to this schools concrete problem
Professional engineering concern was raised in 1995 about the structural performance of RAAC following inspections of cracked units in school roofs
That would be John Major's watch.
The much vaunted prefab schools from a few years back are also falling apart.
What a shower!


Rishi is quite right saying 'not my fault gov' to this schools concrete problem
Professional engineering concern was raised in 1995 about the structural performance of RAAC following inspections of cracked units in school roofs
That would be John Major's watch.
The much vaunted prefab schools from a few years back are also falling apart.
What a shower!

Could be worse try ones under PFI ours is falling to bits. Our store room has had one wall thats a total damp mouldy patch from day one.
One of the other schools locally again under PFI is built on top of an old tip and it's slowly sinking. 12 in total all signed under labour council.
Rishi is quite right saying 'not my fault gov' to this schools concrete problem
Professional engineering concern was raised in 1995 about the structural performance of RAAC following inspections of cracked units in school roofs
That would be John Major's watch.
The much vaunted prefab schools from a few years back are also falling apart.
What a shower!

It will be when it rains !


Amazon delivery services go from incompetent to hypersonic. This parcel has been to various depots in the last eight days, including several days rest and recuperation in Redditch for some reason, but today:

Monday, 4 September

6:14 AM Package departed an Amazon facility Milton Keynes GB

6:16 AM Package arrived at the final delivery station Ipswich, GB

It still hasn't appeared :sad: Perhaps it burnt up getting from Milton Keynes to Ipswich in two minutes


Isn't the game that the dog finds the ball?

also any experienced owner watchers the place ball comes down.
It's a warm and mostly sunny day here chez Casa Reynard after a VERY foggy start.

Did not sleep well - combo of coughing jags, joint pain, the old too-hot-too-cold routine and the arrival of the monthly heffalumps. I am feeling better, although that's on a relative scale, as I'm still feeling rather grotty. Mum, thankfully, has been far less ill, but we're both still pretty miserable.

I have managed to do a few small chores yesterday and today. That included throwing away some fresh produce that was unsalvagable. Can't be helped as our appetites have been almost non-existent, but it's irritating nonetheless.

Have largely been trying to rest as much as possible, thank goodness there was plenty of sport on the TV & radio to keep me occupied. Enjoyed the the cycling at lunchtime.

Think I'm going to go and grab a book and my camping chair and go sit and read in the sun for a bit.
What a warm & humid day and yet the sun didn't break through until mid afternoon round here. Don't know if it was the weather, the afternoon bike ride or an indifferent night's sleep (or a combination of all three) but I put the radio on for the Arsenal/Man U match this afternoon, sat down and the next thing I knew it was half time!

Hey! The game wasn't *THAT* boring!
Good morning from a very warm Suffolk where the sunshine has finally arrived. Up and about before the noise of the bins being emptied woke me for a change which means the first cuppa of the day has long been finished.

In about an hour's time I will be heading up the A14 to Cambridge with a bike in the boot of the car to spend a bit of time riding around on the various cycleways and shared paths in and around the city.

Where did you park up?

I hate the clock watching if I use the park & ride or take the bike on the train, so been looking at leaving the car at Cambridge North station and cycling in from there.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Weather turned out very hot this afternoon but caught me out as I had started various chores I could not leave easily.
Took the car out later and parked in the shade at the bottom of my wildlife pal's road and the temp was still showing 23C when I returned from my walk.
Quite a few butterflies around, red admiral and peacock mostly with a mysterious pair in the same place as before.
Got some brambles to boost my vitamin C but not enough to pick for taking home.
The road is very reminiscent of the place in Sutherland near Lairg where I spent all summer holidays until I went to University. Very nostalgic.

When I returned home I heard loud shouts of "NO, NO". A neighbour has a teenage {in dog years} labrador and it is continually trying to dig it's way out of their garden as well as other bits of mischief. It looks at me with a sort of sad expression when I go past.
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