Mundane News

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:scratch: :unsure:

As dusk approches, from the lounge window, I usually see the geese flying south, back to the Severn Estuary. This evening a small group have decided to fly in almost the opposite direction. I presume they know where they are going.

Always one that forgets something and has to go back for it.
Just been out with the dog in the park heard two other owners going out about the grass not being uncut. One going on about the dog losing his ball because of it. The grass in question is about 2in long so not that hard to track down a ball.

I'm not sure how the grass would affect an animal whose main sense is smell, unless the pollen causes issues.


Legendary Member
What a warm & humid day and yet the sun didn't break through until mid afternoon round here. Don't know if it was the weather, the afternoon bike ride or an indifferent night's sleep (or a combination of all three) but I put the radio on for the Arsenal/Man U match this afternoon, sat down and the next thing I knew it was half time!


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
A long day out riding to the Humber Bridge and back for my club's 'Anniversary Ride' which I think is 132 years as they were established in 1891 so it was 132 miles from the start. I skipped the start point as I'm still recovering from a bug, but still did 130 miles on a hot, sunny day.

Then I wrote the presentations for two work meetings tomorrow; I was notified on Friday but hadn't felt well enough to do them.


Leg End Member
May soon be an empty house on the street. Family are currently clearing out the first floor.


Nice early morning walk with dog clear sky gave a great view of the moon and Venus. On the way out Yards from home in the darkness our path was crossed by the unmistakable silhouette of a hedgehog dashing past. For the most part only us two in the park other than a robin that kept joining us along the way. One thing about the darker mornings at the moment you get a lovely back drop of early morning bird song not as mixed as it you to be sadly.


Itching to get back on my bike's
First cuppa went down well
In the last couple of minutes a mist has descended but still blue sky.

One thing about the darker mornings at the moment you get a lovely back drop of early morning bird song not as mixed as it you to be sadly.

That's another reason why I like to get out early on my bike rides to watch and listen to hedgerows come alive as I cycle along.
I was bl**dy furious last night . My wife had been out to put some food out for our Hedgehogs when a small Terrier dog rushed into our garden and attacked one of them. My wife chased the dog off but a large Hedgehog lay by our potato plants motionless. We watched it for a while , it seemed to be breathing and didn't show any signs of injury. I went out an hour later to check up on it and it had started to move . I gave it a handful of cat biscuits. It had gone by this morning.
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