Mundane News

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Must try and have a facial shave at some point

I was fed up of having a face full of shaver burn so now I just trim things back a bit.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Where did you park up?

I hate the clock watching if I use the park & ride or take the bike on the train, so been looking at leaving the car at Cambridge North station and cycling in from there.

The last time I took the bike in the car to Cambridge, I left the car in the Tescos superstore just south of the Cam and cycled in from there. It's free for 3 hours.
Amazon delivery services go from incompetent to hypersonic. This parcel has been to various depots in the last eight days, including several days rest and recuperation in Redditch for some reason, but today:

Monday, 4 September

6:14 AM Package departed an Amazon facility Milton Keynes GB

6:16 AM Package arrived at the final delivery station Ipswich, GB

It still hasn't appeared :sad: Perhaps it burnt up getting from Milton Keynes to Ipswich in two minutes

Maybe they are using the Large Amazon Collider? :whistle:
got in a fine day at the beach. good wind for the kite
Ended up picking a whole large tray of tomatoes. I need to find things to do with tomatoes... Also had to water the planters, as they haven't been done since last week, and things were a bit, erm, droopy.

Did have a lovely sit down in the garden in the sunshine though. Have started reading "Cetaganda" by Lois McMaster Bujold. Madam Lexi plonked herself on my lap, and for a little while, the world was good.

Just going to have a very relaxing evening now.
I've been hearing somthing about someone shuffling a shadow cabinet. Is that a cabinet you put out way as it's full of all the clutter and tat you don't want others to see? Only to see light of day when your old aunt come's calling who gave you 1/2 of the tat in the first place.


Sorry, couldn't resist... :biggrin:
Rishi is quite right saying 'not my fault gov' to this schools concrete problem
Professional engineering concern was raised in 1995 about the structural performance of RAAC following inspections of cracked units in school roofs
That would be John Major's watch.
The much vaunted prefab schools from a few years back are also falling apart.
What a shower!

To be fair, RAAC should never have been used for load-bearing applications full stop. Trouble with any public works, is it tends to get done by the lowest bidder - with predictable consequences when it comes to materials and corners being cut.

That, alas, is not new. It's what you get when the bean counters have control over projects that they have no practical knowledge or experience of. Which means they don't know how to ask the right questions and get swayed by cheap "wonder materials".

Anyone with half a brain can see that this stuff is an accident waiting to happen. Water gets into the stuff, and it then freezes during cold snaps. Water expands as it freezes, so this expansion will cause the thin walls of the cells to split. Not straight away, but over many cycles of freeze, thaw, freeze, it will cause cracks to propagate through what it a very brittle material anyway. And all the while, there's more water getting in as the structure begins to accumulate damage. It won't be a linear progression either, more like an exponential one - a slow burn, and then whoops... And that's without considering the inevitable corrosion of any reinforcing rods inside the structure.

Same difference going on with the fireproof cladding on buildings that isn't actually fireproof.
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