Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Sounds like there's quite a raucous children's football match going on at the local playing field.


What a wonderful night out.We caught up with four best pals.A cracking meal at Sheesh Mahal i had one pint then another when i got home,then boy did i get night sweats,this is something to tell the hospital team soon.the finish topped the night off.Our Uber for five people was a crew bus,but boy how posh.The driver was so smart,a shiny black bus, black tinted windows,plush seats and a sparkly lights ceiling,Mrs P looked like a film star.What a great evening.


Leg End Member
Drunk at that time in the morning 🍺🍻🍺🍻
Worse still, he's putting beer in the microwave!
To warm it!


Just been out with the dog in the park heard two other owners going out about the grass not being uncut. One going on about the dog losing his ball because of it. The grass in question is about 2in long so not that hard to track down a ball. As much as I don't get on with the park maffia they are the ones who cut the formal grass areas. They try but have a pointless cheep , domestic market, low powered 12in cut mover.So do what they can when they can I have offered time and time again to help and offer technical advice but they don't take me up on it. I was even chair of the old friends group so have got my hand mucky in the past. I can't see the two owners turning up and helping. The lost ball owner even said and they are not cheep are they? By the look of her she spends more on makeup in a mouth than 10 years worth dogs balls.
I did feel like explaining things and from a management point of view it's better to leave it longer anyway. But they won't want to hear hard facts. Wonder if they'd be happy for the Millions of ££ the clowns in the big top have just signed off for roads repairs to be moved to public green spacers ? I've an idea what they say.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Light rain showers all day but got out for a short walk and met an artist friend at the harbour who is working on a project. He is not sure yet what he is going to end up with but takes photographs anyway and will get there in the end.
Interesting phone call from my brother in Shetland about family matters but strayed on to other topics.
One problem we do not have here so far as I know is cruise ships disgorging loads of passengers with bicycles. They then trundle along the roads in groups of up to 20 or 30 and will not give way making it impossible to get past for miles. Much frustration apparently and he is not anti cyclist generally.
Another problem is ferry travel with a vehicle. You can with persistence get a booking for a car but mostly impossible to book a cabin for the same night. You can get a night's sleep with no car or travel with a car and snooze upright on a bench so you either end up frazzled or carless at the other end. If you have to travel regardless you could of course end up both frazzled and carless with no bookings for either cabin or car.
The ferry leaves either end late afternoon and arrives at the destination about 0630 next morning.
Must keep that up my sleeve for the next time somebody on FB starts on about the Calmac booking system.


A good day, chilblains (grandkids) over as usual for, Sunday dinner. Two trips to the park, some blackberry picking, a little blighted by witnessing a house fire, no one at home apparently, they've got a nasty surprise, house won't be liveable for some time . But a good day, just had a bottle of beer, watching Breaking Bad, thinking about what to do for supper.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Nice day today.. Misty walk, Tesco & Wilko visited. Back for lunch, a doss around & reading ING the sunshine for an hour before a snooze on the settee. Bike rear mudguard mended & bike washed, polished and lubed.
Spent am hour or so browsing through cycling pics and saving some decent ones to share via Drive with my riding buddies.

Bonnie was a bit mucky so she's just been dunked in the bath & shampoo'd to cleanliness 🐶
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