Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Don't panic, folks, there's a new bottle under the sink, apparently 👍

Oh yes, so there is....
gorgeous day here but getting ready for winter horrors. got like-new, pre-owned, winter tires. in the basement, for now
tires 1.jpg
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It's a warm and occasionally sunny day here chez Casa Reynard.

I slept OK-ish, though had to get up several times to get a drink of water. I don't feel *quite* so grotty, but coughing up the gloopy goo in my chest is NOT a pleasant experience. Steam and Olbas oil have really helped. Am really tired and lethargic though.

Mum has now developed the sniffles, so I've asked her to do a test later. If she tests positive, then no point me sitting here in isolation.

Am having a quiet day watching and listening to all the various sports on the TV and radio.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A bit windy but sunny spells and very warm.
A good day for the agricultural show I mentioned this morning as it brings in the punters and keeps midges down.
I do miss going to these events as they were great social occasions. Being profitable as well was not really as important as having a nice day out.
Nothing of any import done today apart from a quick visit to the library and some scything in my weed/wild flower patch. I think a new strimmer would be a good idea as while I could get assistance from a neighbour I do not want be too demanding and am thankful for the assistance I do get.
No idea why but I feel very tired.
I may have fixed the slug problem with them invading the house overnight. Having to get up to go to the loo I staggered through in the dark and trod on something squishy.
The slug bait I put down had not been touched but now one down anyway.


Taking advantage of the dry sunny weather do a wash of coats and other stuff that need a a good day out on the line.
After coming back from afternoon walk with Charlie felt like a ham baguette for tea so had a walk to the local Sainsbury's.
Just finished the last of weeding now having :cuppa:.
Mum's test went positive faster than the Sorting Hat sending Draco Malfoy to Slytherin House. Ergo I've taken myself out of self-isolation, and we're both sat here coughing and spluttering in tandem.

My friend Linda, the lady I go dog walking with, dropped a few supplies round at tea time - well, she hung them on my gate. She shops for an elderly neighbour, and was headed out to Sainsbury's and asked me if I needed anything. I now have a suitable supply of sliced bread, because I've been largely subsisting on buttered toast.

Did manage a nice bowl of home made leek, potato & bacon this evening though. I know I'm rather unwell because I'm almost completely off my food.


Mum's test went positive faster than the Sorting Hat sending Draco Malfoy to Slytherin House. Ergo I've taken myself out of self-isolation, and we're both sat here coughing and spluttering in tandem.

My friend Linda, the lady I go dog walking with, dropped a few supplies round at tea time - well, she hung them on my gate. She shops for an elderly neighbour, and was headed out to Sainsbury's and asked me if I needed anything. I now have a suitable supply of sliced bread, because I've been largely subsisting on buttered toast.

Did manage a nice bowl of home made leek, potato & bacon this evening though. I know I'm rather unwell because I'm almost completely off my food.

Take care both of you. When Mrs TKK and I caught Covid the neighbours were wonderful, it fair brought a tear to my eye. Baxters chunky vegetable soup is my " go to " sustenance when poorly ( that and a nice peaty single malt )
Take care both of you. When Mrs TKK and I caught Covid the neighbours were wonderful, it fair brought a tear to my eye. Baxters chunky vegetable soup is my " go to " sustenance when poorly ( that and a nice peaty single malt )

Thanks xxx :hugs:

Linda is just the most wonderful person. Couldn't wish for a better friend. :blush:

I might just stick a splash of Armagnac into my honey & lemon chamomile tea later. It's the dusty bottle kept at the back of the cupboard and trotted out once a year to flambe the Xmas pud, but I'm thinking that a medicinal splooshette might help me some.
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