Mundane News

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Just walked to the Co-op. 5 oranges for £1.10 and 50p off a box of filled ice cream cones. Allegedly mist, damp jeans to change.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Then keep putting the bin back. They'll only drive into it a couple of times before they get the message.

Or let it roll downhill to the sea front - possibly with a little help - and they can spend a day bin hunting.

It is not a vehicle gate but was not there when the house was built. It was a later addition and we did not object as the intention was to allow a slightly disabled old lady an easier walk to church on Sundays. When she died it was sold and is now a holiday house with the usual don't care owner.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
As suspected, there's no (legal) access to Orford Ness from much beyond the Martello Tower.
The gated track has warnings of unexploded munitions.. No access, No metal detecting.. yada yada yada..


Tower's nice, and you can rent it for many ££!


All at sea⛵
Managed to grab a workout in the gym (shoulders) before the typhoon hits.

HK is in lockdown just now. I've not seen it so quiet here for a number of years.

Been through that. Diverted and corralled as if we were contagious.
Defeated the object of the trip to HK and across the border. Got sent to Oz to terrify the locals who weren't expecting an ops review quite so spontaneously.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Another dry day with light wind tho' a bit overcast just now.
Slugs have been adventuring around my hall carpet again overnight leaving trails. Trouble is I cannot find where they end up as they have gone into hiding somewhere. Could be the firewood basket just inside my living room. This is a genuine cran basket given to me by a fisherman friend when he finished fishing for herring. I am certainly not going to search in there as the lower layers have not seen daylight for years.
Somewhere I still have some anti slug pellets so must get searching.

Grandson sent me a Whatsapp message thanking me for the cash I gave him for his birthday. He is saving up to get a car as he has just passed his driving test.
I remember when he was born but how did the time pass so quickly since then.

Moon bunny

Judging your grammar
What about 4468?

He’s been done.


Legendary Member
Good morning from an overcast Suffolk where it's still damp underfoot after yesterday's rain. Easing myself gently into the weekend with a large mug of coffee and a bowl of porridge.

Today is a car day as I need to dispose of the bags of grass cuttings from last week and do a bulky goods shop. There may also be a couple of bike bits I need to pick up as well.
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