Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Not quite true any mask is of some use cloth or basic surgical type will have some limited protection for the wearer and better than nothing. Respirator type (FFP2/3 or N95) are however effective at protecting the wearer. Only this week The Royal Society paper on ranking effective covid measures ( the 1st to do a true evaluation of measures) put mask wearing at 3 on the list. Fomite transmission of covid is pretty much a dead duck as with any airborne disease is the least of your worries. The RS paper had it way down on the list.

Not sure how true it is (it's from t'lnternet) but apparently 'Police Scotland' are banning their officers from having facial hair as it interferes with the masks they'll be using (full respirator types)


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I am going to have rhubarb crumble for breakfast..
It needs using up (and it tastes lovely 😁)
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