Mundane News

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Legendary Member
A horrible wet night and rapidly getting dark.


Leg End Member
It's strange isn't it? When extroverts had to stay at home because of lockdown there wa much concern about psychological health because people couldn't be with people, but when it stopped this strangely didn't translate into a better societal understanding that this is how introverts feel all the time...
The number of folk who wanted to work from home, then found they didn't like it when they got the chance.


Leg End Member
Got the sneezies now. At least it's not accompanied by the farts...

Waiting for the parental unit to go to bed so I can go downstairs and get me some supper. Judging by the aroma that's wafting under my door, it smells like mum's having the leftover mushroom pasta for her evening meal.
Be wary of "double ender's"!
Your body moving in opposing directions can hurt.

Sense of smell fully operative?


The Royal Society's Christmas Lectures dealt with this in a really cool way. It was interesting and informative from a layman's perspective. Well, the practical experiments certainly brought out the kid in me :smile:

They have been a bit up and down the last few years being messed about with by TV timings has not helped. Still love most of them have since a kid. Wonder what Faraday would make of them he stared them after all and had a great ability to explain science to the mass public.


Vice Admiral
It's strange isn't it? When extroverts had to stay at home because of lockdown there wa much concern about psychological health because people couldn't be with people, but when it stopped this strangely didn't translate into a better societal understanding that this is how introverts feel all the time...

When lock down started, I had already spent the previous eight months isolating during treatment for Cancer. I did not restart socialising immediately after lock down ended.

I have a large garden, lots of books, sewing, knitting, music and other hobbies.
They have been a bit up and down the last few years being messed about with by TV timings has not helped. Still love most of them have since a kid. Wonder what Faraday would make of them he stared them after all and had a great ability to explain science to the mass public.

Went to many a Royal Society lecture when I was at school in London. Those were always a real treat. :smile: While at uni, I went to some great IMechE lectures too.
When lock down started, I had already spent the previous eight months isolating during treatment for Cancer. I did not restart socialising immediately after lock down ended.

I have a large garden, lots of books, sewing, knitting, music and other hobbies.

Likewise, a garden, far too many books, writing, artwork, my archive, foraging, cooking...
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