Mundane News

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All at sea⛵
Same here Pedro. Apart from being annoying and me inevitably shouting at them, they do people out of jobs. Always the till for me.

That body woman's voice they use!
Aye and people think it has 'gone away'.

Just hope you get over it OK, :hugs:

I've still been wearing a mask in public spaces and being careful, but it only takes one moment of inattention... I guess I picked this up when I went to collect mum's prescription last Friday from the dispensary at the quack.

Have removed myself from the parental's presence. Thank goodness I'm fully-stocked with groceries.
I have officially joined the Coviderati.

Re-test 10 mins ago came up positive straight away.

Oh dear!
When I had it I had a cough which went on all night and then I lost my sense of smell.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sunny all day but slight cloud from time to time.
Knackered after the last couple of days running around.
Today down to the local garage to arrange an appointment to get an advisory on the MOT sorted. A very small oil leak from a seal in the transmission. According to the guy who did the test it is not regarded as critical but I do not like things not being 100%.
When I arrived a touroid with a hire car was getting diesel and blocking both diesel and petrol pumps from use while doing so.

One of my keen gardening neighbours is mad as red deer have got in and eaten all her flowers. They have not been in my garden tho' some hoof prints suggest they jumped a fence but ignored another garden mad person nearby.
It used to be said that you had to pass a gardening exam before being permitted to live in this area.

The holiday house are at the bin wars again. They had 2 bins out but removed one and the other has now migrated to in front of my car to leave their gate clear. :angry:
No idea what Amazon are up to. My order arrived early but the post has just delivered a duplicate. I only paid for one item.


Legendary Member
I've still been wearing a mask in public spaces and being careful, but it only takes one moment of inattention... I guess I picked this up when I went to collect mum's prescription last Friday from the dispensary at the quack.

Have removed myself from the parental's presence. Thank goodness I'm fully-stocked with groceries.

The mask does not protect you from other people it simply reduces the risk of someone passing the virus along to someone else by droplet contamination. Far more likely to have picked this up by some inconsiderate fecker coughing on something you have touched.
I'm in my 60's now and am not only vaccinated but have had 3 'boosters' but I still attempt to maintain my distance from others (not easy in a shop queue) and find my normal cough as a committed smoker (for 45yrs) makes them give me a bit of space.


Latest official covid rate is a fall of 1.9%
Previous one was a 3 point something increase.
Day in the office and people noted my subdued arrival; the pannier somehow had fallen off the ebike en route, couldn't have fitted it right. Transpired the only damage was a chunk out of an apple which was promptly eaten and a noticeably bruised banana which did not make much sense as it had been on top of everything.
Team meeting confirmed we moving down two floors, which in itself is great as that is at the bike shed level. The offices are built in the hillside such that access is available at three levels. Downside is no lockers so that means even more to cart to and from home. I keep a pair of shoes in my locker for when I cycle in wearing Specialized blue trainer like SPDs. Those are fine except for some meetings.
Maybe I need some proper shoe looking SPD shoes - anyone know of such?
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