Mundane News

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The mask does not protect you from other people it simply reduces the risk of someone passing the virus along to someone else by droplet contamination. Far more likely to have picked this up by some inconsiderate fecker coughing on something you have touched.
I'm in my 60's now and am not only vaccinated but have had 3 'boosters' but I still attempt to maintain my distance from others (not easy in a shop queue) and find my normal cough as a committed smoker (for 45yrs) makes them give me a bit of space.

Not quite true any mask is of some use cloth or basic surgical type will have some limited protection for the wearer and better than nothing. Respirator type (FFP2/3 or N95) are however effective at protecting the wearer. Only this week The Royal Society paper on ranking effective covid measures ( the 1st to do a true evaluation of measures) put mask wearing at 3 on the list. Fomite transmission of covid is pretty much a dead duck as with any airborne disease is the least of your worries. The RS paper had it way down on the list.


It hasn't - SWMBO is having to make space again to treat patient's with post-viral complications.

Same hare Mrs 73 and her service are seeing an increase in post covid patients too.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
The holiday house are at the bin wars again. They had 2 bins out but removed one and the other has now migrated to in front of my car to leave their gate clear. :angry:
Then keep putting the bin back. They'll only drive into it a couple of times before they get the message.

Or let it roll downhill to the sea front - possibly with a little help - and they can spend a day bin hunting.
At least the shivers seem to have finally subsided. My teeth were clattering like castanets earlier... Sinuses are very bunged though, as they've turned into a veritable snot factory.

Of course, despite being careful myself, I can't legislate for what other people do - like going to public spaces when lurgified. The best I can do is wear a mask, practice good hygiene and such like in order to mitigate the behaviour of others. And I have to be careful, because my 93 year old parental unit lives with me. Mum and I probably both had covid in February of 2020, but I'm kind of surprised it's taken me this long to catch it again.

Am staying warm, staying hydrated and watching the athletics.
Not quite true any mask is of some use cloth or basic surgical type will have some limited protection for the wearer and better than nothing. Respirator type (FFP2/3 or N95) are however effective at protecting the wearer. Only this week The Royal Society paper on ranking effective covid measures ( the 1st to do a true evaluation of measures) put mask wearing at 3 on the list. Fomite transmission of covid is pretty much a dead duck as with any airborne disease is the least of your worries. The RS paper had it way down on the list.

The Royal Society's Christmas Lectures dealt with this in a really cool way. It was interesting and informative from a layman's perspective. Well, the practical experiments certainly brought out the kid in me :smile:


Didn't get as far as Diss today, but had a very pleasant ride around the Spooner Row, Old / New Buckenham ( with a coffee and cake stop at the airfield caff ) and various points in between. Made even better by buying home grown tomatoes, Victoria plums and Worcester apples found at various locations en route. :okay:
The GLW WhatsApped me to ask If I can get some garlic on the way, so swung into the Mulbarton Farm Shop for same. Expensive; a punnet of Victoria plums was £2.65, the ones I had already were £1.50, but came away with some regular and smoked garlic anyway - ! ^_^
I definitely need a bigger bag for these random days out though - ! :rofl:


Leg End Member
Unfortunately some people think being extroverted is part of the job. Also, we have a couple of people who don't say what they want then get upset when other people don't do it...
I worked better on my own in the shop. Even telling the managers what should they should be doing, showing them if needs be. Then expecting them to be able to carry on doing it. The number of times they couldn't understand "you put that box on top of that one, alongside those ones". Smaller boxes on top, often in number order, more often as part of a set of similar items.
The mind reading lessons not going very well?


Leg End Member
Hmmm, object 2004-7103 would be a challenge.
What about 4468?
I get tired of people saying to me "You must get out more!" Should I try saying to them "You must stay at home more"?

It's strange isn't it? When extroverts had to stay at home because of lockdown there wa much concern about psychological health because people couldn't be with people, but when it stopped this strangely didn't translate into a better societal understanding that this is how introverts feel all the time...
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It's strange isn't it? When Extroverts had to stay at home because of loclkdown there wa much concern about psychological health because people couldn't be with people, but when it stopped this strangely didn't translate into a better societal understanding that this is how introverts feel all the time...

I guess us introverts really enjoyed lockdown, because we could just get on with things and not have to "people" unnecessarily. Extroverts just don't get that we're quite happy to find things to entertain ourselves.

Like today, I have spent the time (largely) writing and eating popcorn.
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