Mundane News

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It's a warmish and occasionally sunny day here chez Casa Reynard.

Didn't sleep well as feeling rather grotty - headache, shivery, dribbly nose, tight chest. Although I *did* feel warmer with the extra blanket. Did a covid test earlier and it's turned up a very faint line. It was after 20 mins though (rather than the 15 it says in the instructions), as I didn't set a timer and got a bit distracted with other things. Buggery. I shall do a re-test later this afternoon.

Suspect I caught this when I went to Littleport last Friday afternoon to pick up mum's prescription. Ah well, hey ho. I've removed myself from the environs of the parental unit for the time being. Good job I did a full grocery shop the other day, so that's something at least.

Will let the parental have her luncheon, and then I will scoot downstairs and quickly grab something for myself.


Quickly called into town and just missed parcel force delivery. They've left it at the post office if Mrs 73 put her ID with everyone else's important stuff I'd pick it up. But oh no she knows best and lord know's which of her many placers it's in. So one for her to sort out.
The other stuff has just arrived so not all bad.
There's bound to be some fallout from this news story ....



One of todays parcel's a rucksack is nice but not quite what i'm after so now is re packed ready to return.
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