Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Well it's officially the weekend
Got to be the most used cook book in our kitchen bought in 1998. Well, that and the Ken Hom one. Tonight its hot and sour duck salad and I could chew the hind leg off a donkey. :hungry:
I'm back from a ride with my friends. We weren't sure if it was going to take place as the forecast was for showers at the time we were to set off. Luckily all it was was a few drops of rain. The storm clouds seemed to be to the North and South of us leaving a dry sunny patch which we were riding on. We stopped several times for a chat and to look for fish in the river. We also stopped for a drink . I did 15.5 miles on my Raleigh Clubman .
Had a lovely luncheon of a jumbo hot dog roll filled with the last of the poached chicken and a nice dollop of mayo, then a nectarine, two greengages and a large plum, along with the obligatory two :cuppa:

Watered the triffids, and then off to Littleport in the company of Wiggy #2, the Chartres. Picked up mum's prescription from the dispensary at the quack, then stopped off at the Co-op to pick up some milk and a few other gubbins. Paid the same for two pints as I'd pay for four pints in Tesco! :wacko:

There weren't any tills open despite their being a queue, so we all had to use the self-service checkouts. Which don't like YS labels. So I ended up paying £2 more than what I'd tallied up in my basket. By then I'd lost the will to live and gave up waiting for a member of staff to dispute the difference. OTOH, I have a haul of Cornish pasties, chocolate muffins and lemon curd muffins from their ISB, so I can't complain. Well, too much anyways.

Journey home was into a bit of a stiff headwind. My knees are not thanking me right now.

Had beans and fried egg on toast, plus a tomato & avocado salad for supper.
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Ebike disturbed from two days of slumbering for it's Friday trip to Sainsburys and a milk free pannier on the return, neither of the weeks worth of personal Nectar price offers which overlap on a Friday featured milk for the first time in ages. It was however weighted instead by a kg of Toblerone; they were flogging off 5 x100g packs for £3.75.
Made the mistake on the return of not following a cycle route over a pedestrian crossing and sat for ages awaiting a left turn, the road unusually very busy due to another being ripped up for resurfacing only five years since they did it before, not very well.
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