Mundane News

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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
That shouldn't be a distraction... But I bet it is..?

Of course it is. They don't even look the same!



Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
@Dec66 - the Castelli Entrata's are nice. I've two pairs and they grip well on the track with decent padding, which is where I tend to use them. But they're not £36 nice, more like £20-ish. The Raleigh ones, which I've also only just noticed were made by Primal, retailed at £15 and seem to be OK for general commuting use but not long distance as there's very limited padding.

@Tenkaykev - I also like Eccles cakes. But given I'm supposed to be losing weight for the national hillclimb in October I have to resist.
Warm and occasionally sunny here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept OK-ish. Woke up at one point with terrible pins and needles in my arms. That was a very weird sensation. I suspect I must've been accommodating the cat. Anyways, picked another batch of cherry tomatoes. They are accumulating nicely, so I shall have to think of what I can do with them. Other than scarf one every time I walk past...

Also washed, stoned and quartered the victoria plums I picked yesterday, and they are now on the cooker being turned into a batch of powidła i.e. plum butter. It's another one of those things that's expensive to buy, but cheap to make if you've got access to a good quantity of plums. It's lovely on hot buttered toast, but I also use it to fill these rogaliki i.e. these little crescent-shaped Polish pastries that are then drenched in a rum icing. You get that whole sweet-sour vibe going on. :hungry:

Looking like the showers won't come this far north & west, so a bicycular bimble is called for this afternoon. I shall head off down the Hundred Foot to pick filberts from a large stand of hazel bushes I noticed last year. Still, I shall take a rain jacket with me just in case.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon.


@Dec66 - the Castelli Entrata's are nice. I've two pairs and they grip well on the track with decent padding, which is where I tend to use them. But they're not £36 nice, more like £20-ish. The Raleigh ones, which I've also only just noticed were made by Primal, retailed at £15 and seem to be OK for general commuting use but not long distance as there's very limited padding.

@Tenkaykev - I also like Eccles cakes. But given I'm supposed to be losing weight for the national hillclimb in October I have to resist.

Every time I'm lumbering over the heath I tell myself I need to get down to a sensible weight. I've been a " racing snake " and know the benefits of weight loss. Perhaps I need to enter an event to give myself focus and motivation.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
3 mile walk with Bonnie completed before it got too warm, then a short bimble on the Brommie before a lovely afternoon snooze on the settee.
It's time for a tea now 🍵
Lovely luncheon of toasted ciabatta with butter & pate, plus a nectarine, some greengages and two :cuppa:

Going to go and water the triffids and the planters, and then toddle off in the company of Wiggy #2, the Chartres. It will double as a test ride to see whether nipping up the RD cable has solved the problem of the chain pogoing around on the cassette.
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